Most Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoCs include an RF data converter subsystem, which contains multiple radio frequency analog to digital converters (RFADCs) and multiple radio frequency digital to analog converters (RFDACs).
You can individually configure the high-precision, high-speed, power efficient RFADCs and RFDACs for real data or you can configure in pairs for real and imaginary I/Q data. The 12-bit RFADCs support sample rates up to 2 Giga-samples per second (GSPS) or 4 GSPS, depending on the selected device. The 14-bit RFDACs support sample rates up to 6.4 GSPS.
The following example shows the RFADC and RFDAC tables of a ZU28DR device containing eight 2 GSPS RFADC and eight 6.4 GSPS RFDAC channels.
Power can be estimated on the RFADC-DAC page by selecting clock frequency, decimation, interpolation and mixer usage.