Services - UG1523

Alveo X3522 User Guide (UG1523)

Document ID
Release Date
1.5 English

It might be beneficial to disable certain Linux services.

CPU Speed Service

Most Linux distributions have the cpuspeed service running by default. This service controls the CPU clock speed dynamically according to current processing demand. For latency sensitive applications, where the application switches between having packets to process and having periods of idle time waiting to receive a packet, dynamic clock speed control might increase packet latency. It is recommended to disable the cpuspeed service if minimum latency is the main consideration.

The service can be disabled temporarily:

/sbin/service cpuspeed stop

The service can be disabled across reboots:

/sbin/chkconfig –level 12345 cpuspeed off

CPU Power Service

On RHEL7 systems, cpuspeed is replaced with cpupower. It is recommended to disable the cpupower service if minimum latency is the main consideration. The service is controlled via systemctl:

systemctl stop cpupower
systemctl disable cpupower

Tuned Service

On RHEL7 systems, it might be beneficial to disable the tuned service if minimum latency is the main consideration. Users are advised to experiment. The service is controlled via systemctl:

systemctl stop tuned
systemctl disable tuned