Programming the Recovery Image

Alveo X3522 User Guide (UG1523)

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Release Date
1.5 English

From the Vivado host, you then reprogram the X3522 with the recovery image via the ADK:

  1. Start the Vivado application.
  2. Click the Open Hardware Manager link in the Tasks pane of the welcome screen:

    The Vivado Hardware Manager opens:

    Note: Alternatively, you can use Flow > Open Hardware Manager.
  3. Use the Open Target > Auto Connect selection on the green user assistance banner across the top of the Hardware Manager window:

    This opens the hardware target for the X3522 by connecting to the hardware server that is managing its connection:

    Note: Alternatively, you can use Tools > Auto Connect.
  4. Select Tools > Add Configuration Memory Device > xcu26_ux35_0.

    The Add Configuration Memory Device dialog appears:

  5. Select the mt25qu02g-spi-x1_x2_x4 part:

  6. Click OK to add the configuration memory device.
  7. If you are asked Do you want to program the configuration memory device now?, click OK:

    Note: If you are not asked this, it is because you previously chose not to show this dialog again.

    The Program Configuration Memory Device dialog appears:

  8. Set the Configuration file to the /lib/firmware/xilinx/x3/x3522-manufacturing-image-zeroed.mcs recovery image that you downloaded and installed:

    Leave all other settings at their default:

  9. Click OK to start programming.
  10. Wait until programming has completed:

  11. Click OK to close the Program Flash dialog.
  12. Close the Hardware Manager.
  13. Power down the server, during which the server must be physically disconnected from all power sources.
    If you are using a tool such as iDRAC/BMC, be aware that cold reboot or power cycle commands typically leave auxiliary power enabled. This causes a partial update that puts the X3522 in an unpredictable or failed state. You must ensure you select options that remove all power from the server (including auxiliary power), and so are equivalent to disconnecting it.

    If in any doubt, physically disconnect the server.

  14. Disconnect the ADK cables.
  15. Power up and restart the server.

For more detail see the chapters named Programming the Device and Programming Configuration Memory Devices in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908).