The FPGA flash is programmed using .update files:
- You can update the entire FPGA:
- The .update file contains multiple component images.
- The file is known as a bundle.
- The images in a bundle are tested together, and are known to work with each other.
- You can change the behavior of the
- The .update file contains an image of user configuration settings.
- All currently available configurations are supplied in a single package.
- Change the configuration of the interfaces on the X3522.
- Set whether the UEFI expansion ROM is enabled.
The .update file(s) are supplied in an RPM or DEB package, that installs
the files beneath the /lib/firmware directory. This
is the conventional Linux location for storing such files:
- The .update files for X3522 adapters are installed in the xilinx/x3 subdirectory.
- The .update filenames include a version number, for
- A soft link is also created without a version number. This refers to the
most recently installed version of a .update file. For