Export Vitis Model Composer Hub block settings to a file.
vmcGetHubParams(hubBlkHdl, format='json')
exports Vitis Model Composer Hub block settings to a file.
The generated file contains settings for all valid subsystems in the model. The file
can be used to exchange Hub block settings between models, programmatically control
code generation, or track changes to Hub block settings in a source control system.
The names of parameters in the exported file are the same as the labels in the Vitis Model Composer Hub block.
The JSON file schema can be found in the
hub_schema-1.0.json file, located in the simulink
folder of the Vitis Model
Composer installation directory.
Input Arguments
- hubBlkHdl
- Path or handle to the Hub block in the model.
- format
- Format of the generated output file. Currently
is the only supported format.