Field in the App | Parameter Name | Allowed Values |
Select Hardware | SelectHardware | Part, or board name or platform file |
Field in the App | Parameter Name | Allowed Values | Notes |
To select the subsystem in the left side panel | SelectSubsystem | 0 or 1 | |
TargetSubsystem | Read-only parameter. Returns list of subsystems that are selected for the code generation |
Field in the App | Parameter Name | Allowed Values | Notes |
Hardware Description | HardwareDescription |
VHDLLibrary | String or Char array | ||
UseSTDLogic | 0 or 1 | ||
Synthesis Strategy | SynthesisStrategy | String or Char array (should be a valid synthesis strategy). | |
Implementation Strategy | ImplementationStrategy | String or Char array (should be a valid implementation strategy). | |
Enable Multiple clocks | EnableMultipleClocks | 0 or 1 | |
FPGA Clock Period | FPGAClockPeriod | String or Char array (Ex: '10') | |
Simulink System Period | SimulinkSystemPeriod | String or Char array (Ex: '1') | |
Clock pin location | ClockPinLocation | String or Char array | |
Provide Clock enable clear pin | ProvideClockEnableClearPin | 0 or 1 | |
ClockSettings | Struct with the fields:
FPGA Clock Frequency | FPGAClockFrequency | String or Char array (Ex: '200') | |
Throughput factor | ThroughputFactor | 0 to 9 | |
Testbench stack size | TestbenchStackSize | String or Char array (Ex: '10') | |
AIE Compiler Options | AIECompilerOptions | Cell array of character vectors or an empty cell array. |
Field in the App | Parameter Name | Allowed Values | |
Block Icon Display | BlockIconDisplay |
Perform Analysis | PerformAnalysis |
Analysis Type | AnalyzerType |
Remote IP Cache | RemoteIPCache | 0 or 1 | |
Create Interface document | CreateInterfaceDocument | 0 or 1 | |
AIE Simulator Options | AIESimulatorOptions | Cell array of character vectors or an empty cell array. | |
Simulation Timeout | SimulationTimeout | String or Char array | |
Plot AIE simulation output and Estimate throughput | PlotAIESimulation | 0 or 1 | |
Collect Profiling Statistics | CollectProfilingStats | 0 or 1 | |
Collect Data for Vitis Analyzer | CollectDataForVitisAnalyzer | 0 or 1 |
Field in the App | Parameter Name | Allowed Values |
Generate Hardware Validation Code | GenerateHwValidationCode | 0 or 1 |
Generate Hardware Image | GenerateHwImage | 0 or 1 |
Target Directory | ValidateOnHardwareTargetDirectory | Directory |
HW System Type | HwSystemType |
Target | HwTarget |
Common SW Dir | HWCommonSWDir | Directory |
Target SDK Dir | TargetSDKDir | Directory |
Field in the App | Parameter Name | Allowed Values | |
Export Directory | ExportDirectory | Directory | |
Export Type | ExportType | String or Char array | |
Create Testbench | CreateTestbench | 0 or 1 | |
Vendor | IPVendor | String or Char array | IP catalog Settings |
Library | IPLibrary | String or Char array | |
Name | IPName | String or Char array | |
Version | IPVersion | String or Char array | |
Category | IPCategory | String or Char array | |
Status | IPStatus |
Auto Infer Interface | IPAutoInferInterface | 0 or 1 | |
Use Common repository directory (Checkbox) | IPUseCommonRepoDir | 0 or 1 | |
Edit field beside Use Common repository directory checkbox | IPCommonRepoDir | String or Char array | |
Use plug-in project | IPUsePlugInProject | 0 or 1 | |
Hardware description language (for HLS IP) | IPHwDescLang |
Burst Mode | HwCosimBurstMode | 0 or 1 | Hardware Co-simulation Settings |
FIFO | HwCosimFifoDepth |
Field in the App | Parameter Name | Allowed Values |
Treat this model as a legacy System Generator design for backward-compatibility | TreatDesignAsLegacyHDL | 0 or 1 |
Number of parallel AI Engine builds | NumOfAIEParallelBuilds | range (1, number of cores in the system) |