setTopLevelLanguage(language) |
Declares language for the top-level entity (or module) of the black box. The language should
be VHDL or Verilog . |
setEntityName(name) |
Sets name of the entity or module. |
addSimulinkInport(pname) |
Adds an input port to the black box. pname defines the name the port should have. |
addSimulinkOutport(pname) |
Adds an output port to the black box. pname defines the name the port should have. |
setSimulinkPorts(in,out) |
Adds input and output ports to the black box.
in (respectively, out) is a cell array whose element tell the names to
use for the input (resp., output) ports. |
addInoutport(pname) |
Adds a bidirectional port to the black box. pname defines
the name the port should have. Bidirectional ports
can only be added during the
config_netlist_interface phase of
configuration. |
tagAsCombinational() |
Indicate that the block has a combinational path (that is, direct
feedthrough) from an input port to an output
port. |
addClkCEPair(clkPname, cePname, rate) |
Defines a clock/clock enable port pair for the block.
clkPname and
cePname tell the names for the
clock and clock enable ports respectively. rate, a
double, tells the rate at which the port pair
runs. The rate must be a positive integer. Note
the clock (respectively, clock enable) name must
contain the substring clk (resp., ce). The names
must be parallel in the sense that the clock
enable name is obtained from the clock name by
replacing clk with ce. |
port(name) |
Returns the SysgenPortDescriptor that matches the specified
name. |
inport(indx) |
Returns the SysgenPortDescriptor that describes a given
input port. indx tells the index of the port to
look for, and should be between 1 and
numInputPorts . |
outport(indx) |
Returns the SysgenPortDescriptor that describes a given
output port. indx tells the index
of the port to look for, and should be between 1
and numOutputPorts . |
addGeneric(identifier, value) |
Defines a generic (or parameter if using Verilog) for the block. identifier
is a string that tells the name of the generic.
value can be a double or a string. The type of the
generic is inferred from value's type. If value is
an integral double (for example, 4.0), the type of
the generic is set to integer. For a non-integral
double, the type is set to real. When value is a
string containing only zeros and ones (for
example, `0101 '),
the type is set to bit_vector . For any other string value,
the type is set to string. |
addGeneric(identifier, type, value) |
Explicitly specifies the name, type, and value for a generic (or parameter,
if using Verilog) for the block. All three
arguments are strings. identifier tells the name,
type tells the type, and value tells the
value. |
addFile(fn) |
Adds a file name to the list of files associated to this black box, fn is the file name.
Ordinarily, HDL files are associated to black
boxes, but any sorts of files are acceptable. VHDL
file names should end in .vhd ; Verilog file names should end in
.v . The order in
which file names are added is preserved, and
becomes the order in which HDL files are compiled.
File names can be absolute or relative. Relative
file names are interpreted with respect to the
location of the .mdl or
library .mdl for the
design. |
getDeviceFamilyName() |
Gets the name of the FPGA corresponding to the black box. |
getConfigPhaseString |
Returns the current configuration phase as a string. A valid return string
includes: config_interface ,
config_rate_and_type ,
config_post_rate_and_type ,
config_simulation ,
config_netlist_interface , and
config_netlist . |
setSimulatorCompilationScript(script) |
Overrides the default HDL co-simulation compilation script that the black box
generates. script tells the name
of the script to use. For example, this method can
be used to short-circuit the compilation phase for
repeated simulations where the HDL for the black
box remains unchanged. |
setError(message) |
Indicates that an error has occurred, and records the error message.
message gives the error
message. |
addDirectory(directoryName) |
Adds the entire list of HDL files present
in the specified directory to the Black Box flow.
This is useful in case of the top level HDL file
depends on other HDL files. This works fine in
case of Simulation mode set to Vivado Simulator option. |