Bidirectional ports (or inout ports) are supported only during the generation of
the HDL netlist, that is, bi-directional ports will not show up in the Model Composer diagram.
By default, bi-directional ports will be driven with 'X' during simulation. It is possible to
overwrite this behavior by associating a data file to the port. Be sure to guard this code
because bi-directional ports can only be added to a block during the config_netlist_interface
if (strcmpi(this_block.getConfigPhaseString,'config_netlist_interface'))
bidi_port = this_block.port('bidi');
In the above example, a text file, bidi.dat
, is
used during simulation to provide stimulation to the port. The data file should be a text
file, where each line represents the signal driven on the port at each simulation cycle. For
example, a 3-bit bi-directional port that is simulated for four cycles might have the
following data file:
Simulation will return with an error if the specified data file cannot be found.