When defining a black box port interface, it is necessary to add input and output
ports to the block descriptor. These ports correspond to the ports on the module you are
importing. In your model, the black box block port interface is determined by the port
names that are declared on the block descriptor object.
provides methods for adding input and output
Adding an input port:
Adding an output port:
The string parameter passed to methods addSimulinkInport
specifies the port name. These names should match
the corresponding port names in the imported module.
Adding a bidirectional port:
config_phase = this_block.getConfigPhaseString;
if (strcmpi(config_phase,'config_netlist_interface'))
% Rate and type info should be added here as well
Bidirectional ports are supported only during the netlisting of a design and will not appear on the Model Composer diagram; they only appear in the generated HDL. As such, it is important to only add the bi-directional ports when Model Composer is generating the HDL. The if-end conditional statement is guarding the execution of the code to add-in the bi-directional port.
It is also possible to define both the input and output ports using a single
method call. The setSimulinkPorts
method accepts two parameters. The first
parameter is a cell array of strings that define the input port names for the block. The
second parameter is a cell array of strings that define the output port names for the