Warning: [HLS 214-345] Cannot apply performance pragma
for loop 'VITIS_LOOP_11_1' in function 'top' due to existence of imperfect loop nest
Performance pragma can only support perfect nested loops. Imperfect loops are not supported. In addition, there should not be any dataflow regions inside these nested loops.
//////////// ORIGINAL ////////////
void top(int a[500],
int b[500], int n) {
int a_buf[50][10];
int b_buf[50][10];
memcpy(a_buf, a, sizeof(int) * 500);
memcpy(b_buf, b, sizeof(int) * 500);
int k;
int i;
int j;
for (i =0; i < 50; ++i) {
#pragma HLS PERFORMANCE target_ti=50
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
#pragma HLS loop_tripcount max=10
#pragma HLS pipeline II=1
a_buf[i][j] = b_buf[i][j]+ 4;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
#pragma HLS loop_tripcount max=10
#pragma HLS pipeline II=1
a_buf[i][j] += 4;
memcpy(a, a_buf, sizeof(int) * 500);