Component | Clock Frequency |
ACPU | 1,000 MHz |
NOC | 950 MHz |
NPI | 300 MHz |
LPDDR | 1,600 |
AIE | 1,000 |
Clock | Clock Source | Clock Frequency | Function |
pl0_ref_clk | CIPS | 100 MHz | Clock source for clocking wizard. |
clk_out1 | Clocking wizard | 150 MHz | AXI MM clock and AXI Stream clock used in the capture of platform2, display pipeline, and processing pipeline. |
clk_out2 | Clocking wizard | 105 MHz | AXI-Lite clock to configure the different IPs in the design. |
clk_out3 | Clocking wizard | 200 MHz | MIPI D-PHY core clock. Also the AXI MM clock and AXI Stream clock used in the capture pipeline of plaform2. |
sys_clk0 | SI570 (External) | 200 MHz | Differential clock source used internally by the memory controller to generate various clocks to access DDR memory. |
HDMI DRU clock | SI570 (External) | 200 MHz | Clock for data recovery unit for low line rates. |
HDMI GT TX reference clock | IDT 8T49N241 (External) | Variable | GT Transmit clock source to support various HDMI resolutions. |
HDMI GT RX reference clock |
Si570 (External); |
Variable | GT receive clock to support various HDMI resolutions. |
Audio clock | Si570 (External) | Variable | Master reference clock to generate audio stream at the required sampling rate. |
The PL0 clock is provided by the PPLL inside the PMC domain and is used as the reference input clock for the clocking wizard instance. This clock does not drive any loads directly. A clocking wizard instance is used to de-skew the clock and to provide three phase-aligned output clocks, clk_out1, clk_out2 and clk_out3 .
The clk_out2 is used to drive most of the AXI-Lite control interfaces of the IPs in the PL. AXI-Lite interfaces are typically used to configure registers and therefore can operate at a lower frequency than data path interfaces. Exception is the AXI-Lite interfaces of HLS based IP cores where the control and data plane use either clk_out1 or clk_out3.
The clk_out1 clock drives the AXI MM interfaces and AXI Stream interfaces of the display pipeline and processing pipeline. It also drives AXI MM interfaces and AXI Stream interfaces of the capture pipeline of platform2. The clk_out3 clock drives the AXI MM interfaces and AXI Stream interfaces of the capture pipeline in platform1.
For details on HDMI Tx and HDMI GT clocking structure and requirements refer to HDMI 1.4/2.0 Transmitter Subsystem Product Guide (PG235) and HDMI GT Controller LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG334). For HDMI Tx, an external clock chip is used to generate the GT reference clock depending on the display resolution. Various other HDMI related clocks are derived from the GT reference clock and generated internally by the HDMI GT controller; only for the DRU a fixed reference clock is provided externally by a Si570 clock chip.
For details on the various clock chips used refer to the VCK190 Evaluation Board User Guide (UG1366).
The master reset (pl_resetn0) is generated by the PS during boot and is used as input to the four processing system (PS) reset modules in the PL. Each module generates synchronous, active-Low and active-High interconnect and peripheral resets that drive all IP cores synchronous to the respective, clk_out0, clk_out1, and clk_out2 clock domains.
Reset Source | Purpose |
pl0_resetn | PL reset for proc_sys_reset modules |
rst_processor_150MHz | Synchronous resets for clk_out0 clock domain |
rst_processor_105MHz | Synchronous resets for clk_out1 clock domain |
rst_processor_200MHz | Synchronous resets for clk_out3 clock domain |
lpd_gpio_o 0 | Asynchronous reset for the video mixer IP |
GPIO for platorm1 – Single Senor | |
lpd_gpio_o 1 | Asynchronous reset for the demosaic IP |
lpd_gpio_o 2 | Asynchronous reset for the VPSS CSC IP |
lpd_gpio_o 3 | Asynchronous reset for the frame buffer write IP |
lpd_gpio_o 4 | Asynchronous reset for the sensor GPIO |
GPIO for platorm2 – Quad Senor | |
lpd_gpio_o 1 | Asynchronous reset for the demosaic IP stream 0 |
lpd_gpio_o 2 | Asynchronous reset for the VPSS CSC IP stream 0 |
lpd_gpio_o 3 | Asynchronous reset for the frame buffer write IP stream 0 |
lpd_gpio_o 4 | Asynchronous reset for the demosaic IP stream 1 |
lpd_gpio_o 5 | Asynchronous reset for the VPSS CSC IP stream 1 |
lpd_gpio_o 6 | Asynchronous reset for the frame buffer write IP stream 1 |
lpd_gpio_o 7 | Asynchronous reset for the demosaic IP stream 2 |
lpd_gpio_o 8 | Asynchronous reset for the VPSS CSC IP stream 3 |
lpd_gpio_o 9 | Asynchronous reset for the frame buffer write IP stream |
lpd_gpio_o 10 | Asynchronous reset for the demosaic IP stream 3 |
lpd_gpio_o 10 | Asynchronous reset for the VPSS CSC IP stream 3 |
lpd_gpio_o 12 | Asynchronous reset for the frame buffer write IP stream 3 |
GPIO for platform3 - HDMI RX | |
lpd_gpio_0 1 | Asynchronous reset for the VPSS CSC IP |
lpd_gpio_0 2 | Asynchronous reset for the frame buffer write IP |
The following table lists the PL-to-PS interrupts used in this design.
Interrupt ID | Instance |
pl_ps_irq0 | HDMI GT Controller |
pl_ps_irq1 | HDMI Tx subsystem |
pl_ps_irq2 | Video Mixer |
pl_ps_irq3 | HDMI I2C |
pl_ps_irq4 | AXI Performance Monitor |
Interrupts specific to platform 1 - Single Sensor | |
pl_ps_irq5 | Audio formatter memory-mapped to stream |
pl_ps_irq6 | MIPI RX subsytem |
pl_ps_irq7 | MIPI I2C |
pl_ps_irq8 | Frame buffer write interrupt |
Interrupts specific to platform 2 - Quad Sensor | |
pl_ps_irq5 | Audio formatter memory-mapped to stream |
pl_ps_irq6 | MIPI RX subsytem |
pl_ps_irq7 | MIPI I2C |
pl_ps_irq8 | Frame buffer write stream 0 |
pl_ps_irq9 | Frame buffer write stream 1 |
pl_ps_irq10 | Frame buffer write stream 2 |
pl_ps_irq10 | Frame buffer write stream 3 |
Interrupts specific to platform 3 - HDMI RX | |
pl_ps_irq5 | Audio formatter memory-mapped to stream |
pl_ps_irq6 | Audio formatter stream to memory map |
pl_ps_irq7 | Frame buffer write interrupt |
pl_ps_irq8 | HDMI RX subsytem |