User Managed Mode - 2024.2 English - UG1400

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

If you prefer to manage your source code hierarchy and build process in a unique way, for instance, by crafting your own Makefile or CMake files, you can use User Managed Mode. This mode empowers you by offering enhanced support and debugging capabilities, especially when you oversee the build flow. Additionally, the User Managed Flow simplifies the process, making the build launch more seamless and user-friendly. If you prefer command line flow to develop your application, User managed flow is an ideal choice. This flow supports Makefile based projects.

User Managed Mode is automatically activated when no components are found, but files are detected in the current workspace, allowing you to manage and configure their files directly and build or debug Makefile-based projects.

  1. Start Vitis Unified IDE.
  2. Open a workspace that has no JSON file and contains extra folders. User Managed Mode is automatically activated.

  3. Create build configuration and build
    1. Hover the cursor over Build to select Setting button. Build configuration file Build.json file appears.

    2. Click + New Build Configuration or you can click + button to generate a new configuration for a build.
    3. Input the build, clean and run directory.
    4. Click Build to build the project.

  4. Create Run/Debug launch configuration after build is finished.
    1. Hover the cursor over Debug and select Setting. Launch configuration file Launch.json appears.
    2. Click + New Launch Configuration or click + button to create a new launch configuration.
    3. It brings up Create Launch Configuration wizard. Two design types are supported for embedded application component.
    4. Embedded Standalone Application has two debug options as following:
      Configure the device and start debug
      This is used to debug or run the bare-metal application component. Specify the XSA file and click Submit to create the configuration file. Wait until the Launch Configuration file pops up. Refer to Launch Configurations for setting references
      Attach to Running Target
      If you desire to debug on the already running target, select this option and click Submit. You need to provide the target connection.
    5. Embedded Linux Application has two debug options as following:
      1. Transfer the Elf file and start debugging

        If a Linux application has to be run/debugged, select this option and provide the elf. Launch configuration with the few sections is created for the app. Provide the necessary information post which you can run/debug it.

      2. Attaching to Running Processor on Linux Target

        To debug a Linux application on an already running Linux target, select this option and click Submit. Launch configuration window appears. Provide the target connection and executable file, post which you can run/debug it.