JSON File Format
The following table describes the JSON file format:
Item | JSON Attribute | Description |
c_function_name | The C++ function name for the blackbox. The c_function_name must be consistent with the C function
simulation model. |
rtl_top_module_name | The RTL function name for the blackbox. The rtl_top_module_name must be consistent with the c_function_name . |
c_files | c_file | Specifies the C file used for the blackbox module. |
cflag | Provides any compile option necessary for the corresponding C file. | |
rtl_files | Specifies the RTL files for the blackbox module. | |
c_parameters | c_name |
Specifies the name of the argument used for the black box C++ function. Unused |
c_port_direction | The access direction for the corresponding C argument.
RAM_type | Specifies the RAM type to use if the corresponding C argument
uses the RTL RAM protocol. Two type of RAM are used:
rtl_ports | Specifies the RTL port protocol signals for the corresponding C
argument (c_name ). Every c_parameter should be associated with an rtl_port . Five type of RTL port protocols are used,
and only wire and FIFO are supported for the ap_ctrl_none control protocol. Refer
to the RTL Port Protocols table for additional
c_return | c_port_direction | It must be out . |
rtl_ports | Specifies the corresponding RTL port name used in the RTL blackbox IP. | |
rtl_common_signal | module_clock | The unique clock signal for RTL blackbox module. |
module_reset | Specifies the reset signal for RTL blackbox module. The reset signal must be active-High or positive valid. | |
module_clock_enable | Specifies the clock enable signal for the RTL blackbox module. The enable signal must be active-High or positive valid. | |
ap_ctrl_chain_protocol_idle | The ap_idle signal in the
ap_ctrl_chain protocol for the RTL blackbox
module. This signal must be an empty string for the ap_ctrl_none control
protocol. |
ap_ctrl_chain_protocol_start | The ap_start signal in the
ap_ctrl_chain protocol for the RTL blackbox
module. This signal must be an empty string for the ap_ctrl_none control
protocol. |
ap_ctrl_chain_protocol_ready | The ap_ready signal in the
ap_ctrl_chain protocol for the RTL blackbox IP.
This signal must be an empty string for the ap_ctrl_none control protocol. |
ap_ctrl_chain_protocol_done | The ap_done signal in the
ap_ctrl_chain protocol for blackbox RTL module.
This signal must be an empty string for the ap_ctrl_none control protocol. |
ap_ctrl_chain_protocol_continue | The ap_continue signal in
the ap_ctrl_chain protocol for RTL blackbox
module. This signal must be an empty string for the ap_ctrl_none control
protocol. |
rtl_performance | latency | Specifies the Latency of the RTL blackbox module. It must be a
non-negative integer value. For Combinatorial RTL IP specify 0 , otherwise specify the exact latency of the RTL
module. |
II | Number of clock cycles before the function can accept new
input data. It must be non-negative integer value. 0 means the blackbox can not be pipelined. Otherwise, it means the
blackbox module is pipelined. |
rtl_resource_usage | FF | Specifies the register utilization for the RTL blackbox module. |
LUT | Specifies the LUT utilization for the RTL blackbox module. | |
block RAM | Specifies the block RAM utilization for the RTL blackbox module. | |
URAM | Specifies the URAM utilization for the RTL blackbox module. | |
DSP | Specifies the DSP utilization for the RTL blackbox module. |
RTL Port Protocol | C Port Direction | JSON Attribute | RTL Port Direction | User-Defined Name | Notes |
wire | in | data_read_in | in | Specifies a user defined name used in the RTL
blackbox IP. As an example for wire, if the RTL port name is "flag" then the JSON
FILE format is "data_read-in" : "flag" . |
ap_vld | out | data_write_out | out | ||
data_write_valid | out | ||||
ap_ovld | inout | data_read_in | in | ||
data_write_out | out | ||||
data_write_valid | out | ||||
FIFO | in | FIFO_empty_flag | in | Must be negative valid. | |
FIFO_read_enable | out | ||||
FIFO_data_read_in | in | ||||
out | FIFO_full_flag | in | Must be negative valid. | ||
FIFO_write_enable | out | ||||
FIFO_data_write_out | out | ||||
RAM (RAM_1P) | in | RAM_address | out | ||
RAM_clock_enable | out | ||||
RAM_data_read_in | in | ||||
out | RAM_address | out | |||
RAM_clock_enable | out | ||||
RAM_write_enable | out | ||||
RAM_data_write_out | out | ||||
inout | RAM_address | in | |||
RAM_clock_enable | in | ||||
RAM_write_enable | out | ||||
RAM_data_write_out | out | ||||
RAM_data_read_in | in | ||||
RAM (RAM_T2P) | in | RAM_address | out | Specifies a user defined name used in the RTL
blackbox IP. As an example for wire, if the RTL port name is "flag" then the JSON
FILE format is "data_read-in" : "flag" . |
Signals with _snd belong to the second port of the RAM. Signals without _snd belong to the first port. |
RAM_clock_enable | out | ||||
RAM_data_read_in | in | ||||
RAM_address_snd | out | ||||
RAM_clock_enable_snd | out | ||||
RAM_data_read_in_snd | in | ||||
out | RAM_address | out | |||
RAM_clock_enable | out | ||||
RAM_write_enable | out | ||||
RAM_data_write_out | out | ||||
RAM_address_snd | out | ||||
RAM_clock_enable_snd | out | ||||
RAM_write_enable_snd | out | ||||
RAM_data_write_out_snd | out | ||||
inout | RAM_address | out | |||
RAM_clock_enable | out | ||||
RAM_write_enable | out | ||||
RAM_data_write_out | out | ||||
RAM_data_read_in | in | ||||
RAM_address_snd | out | ||||
RAM_clock_enable_snd | out | ||||
RAM_write_enable_snd | out | ||||
RAM_data_write_out_snd | out | ||||
RAM_data_read_in_snd | in |
Note: The behavioral C-function model
for the RTL blackbox must also adhere to the recommended HLS coding styles.
JSON File Example
This section provides details on manually writing the JSON file required for the RTL blackbox. The following is an example of a JSON file:
"c_function_name" : "foo",
"rtl_top_module_name" : "foo",
"c_files" :
"c_file" : "../../a/top.cpp",
"cflag" : ""
"c_file" : "xx.cpp",
"cflag" : "-D KF"
"rtl_files" : [
"c_parameters" : [{
"c_name" : "a",
"c_port_direction" : "in",
"rtl_ports" : {
"data_read_in" : "a"
"c_name" : "b",
"c_port_direction" : "in",
"rtl_ports" : {
"data_read_in" : "b"
"c_name" : "c",
"c_port_direction" : "out",
"rtl_ports" : {
"data_write_out" : "c",
"data_write_valid" : "c_ap_vld"
"c_name" : "d",
"c_port_direction" : "inout",
"rtl_ports" : {
"data_read_in" : "d_i",
"data_write_out" : "d_o",
"data_write_valid" : "d_o_ap_vld"
"c_name" : "e",
"c_port_direction" : "in",
"rtl_ports" : {
"FIFO_empty_flag" : "e_empty_n",
"FIFO_read_enable" : "e_read",
"FIFO_data_read_in" : "e"
"c_name" : "f",
"c_port_direction" : "out",
"rtl_ports" : {
"FIFO_full_flag" : "f_full_n",
"FIFO_write_enable" : "f_write",
"FIFO_data_write_out" : "f"
"c_name" : "g",
"c_port_direction" : "in",
"RAM_type" : "RAM_1P",
"rtl_ports" : {
"RAM_address" : "g_address0",
"RAM_clock_enable" : "g_ce0",
"RAM_data_read_in" : "g_q0"
"c_name" : "h",
"c_port_direction" : "out",
"RAM_type" : "RAM_1P",
"rtl_ports" : {
"RAM_address" : "h_address0",
"RAM_clock_enable" : "h_ce0",
"RAM_write_enable" : "h_we0",
"RAM_data_write_out" : "h_d0"
"c_name" : "i",
"c_port_direction" : "inout",
"RAM_type" : "RAM_1P",
"rtl_ports" : {
"RAM_address" : "i_address0",
"RAM_clock_enable" : "i_ce0",
"RAM_write_enable" : "i_we0",
"RAM_data_write_out" : "i_d0",
"RAM_data_read_in" : "i_q0"
"c_name" : "j",
"c_port_direction" : "in",
"RAM_type" : "RAM_T2P",
"rtl_ports" : {
"RAM_address" : "j_address0",
"RAM_clock_enable" : "j_ce0",
"RAM_data_read_in" : "j_q0",
"RAM_address_snd" : "j_address1",
"RAM_clock_enable_snd" : "j_ce1",
"RAM_data_read_in_snd" : "j_q1"
"c_name" : "k",
"c_port_direction" : "out",
"RAM_type" : "RAM_T2P",
"rtl_ports" : {
"RAM_address" : "k_address0",
"RAM_clock_enable" : "k_ce0",
"RAM_write_enable" : "k_we0",
"RAM_data_write_out" : "k_d0",
"RAM_address_snd" : "k_address1",
"RAM_clock_enable_snd" : "k_ce1",
"RAM_write_enable_snd" : "k_we1",
"RAM_data_write_out_snd" : "k_d1"
"c_name" : "l",
"c_port_direction" : "inout",
"RAM_type" : "RAM_T2P",
"rtl_ports" : {
"RAM_address" : "l_address0",
"RAM_clock_enable" : "l_ce0",
"RAM_write_enable" : "l_we0",
"RAM_data_write_out" : "l_d0",
"RAM_data_read_in" : "l_q0",
"RAM_address_snd" : "l_address1",
"RAM_clock_enable_snd" : "l_ce1",
"RAM_write_enable_snd" : "l_we1",
"RAM_data_write_out_snd" : "l_d1",
"RAM_data_read_in_snd" : "l_q1"
"c_return" : {
"c_port_direction" : "out",
"rtl_ports" : {
"data_write_out" : "ap_return"
"rtl_common_signal" : {
"module_clock" : "ap_clk",
"module_reset" : "ap_rst",
"module_clock_enable" : "ap_ce",
"ap_ctrl_chain_protocol_idle" : "ap_idle",
"ap_ctrl_chain_protocol_start" : "ap_start",
"ap_ctrl_chain_protocol_ready" : "ap_ready",
"ap_ctrl_chain_protocol_done" : "ap_done",
"ap_ctrl_chain_protocol_continue" : "ap_continue"
"rtl_performance" : {
"latency" : "6",
"II" : "2"
"rtl_resource_usage" : {
"FF" : "0",
"LUT" : "0",
"BRAM" : "0",
"URAM" : "0",
"DSP" : "0"