validate_noc - 2024.2 English - UG1387

Versal Adaptive SoC Hardware, IP, and Platform Development Methodology Guide (UG1387)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

The validate_noc command aggregates the NoC connectivity and QoS constraints from the Modular NoC with any NoC connectivity and constraints from Block Designs. When validate_noc is executed, the design is elaborated, all Modular NoC XPMs are discovered in the design, XDC constraints that are marked with USED_IN synthesis_pre and implementation_pre are read and processed, and DRC checks are run. validate_noc can be run with the following options:

Forces the entire process described above to re-run regardless if the sources have changed.
Note: Any in-memory constraints created either on the Tcl Console or via the read_xdc command will be discarded and only the constraints in the XDC file will be re-applied. Ensure you have saved in-memory constraints to the proper XDC file before executing with this flag.
Specifies the target part for validate_noc to run.
Used for DFX designs only. Specifies the partition configuration so the validation can happen on the correct design.