create_noc_connection - 2024.2 English - UG1387

Versal Adaptive SoC Hardware, IP, and Platform Development Methodology Guide (UG1387)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

The create_noc_connection command is used to specify the connection between NMU and NSU. The options -source and -target are used with the create_noc_connection command to specify the NMU and NSU, respectively. The tool auto-assigns a name to the connection prefixed with noc_connection_* where the * indicates a sequential number starting at 0 and increasing. The path option allows the NoC connection to be created at a particular level of hierarchy.

The following code snippet shows the creation of NoC connection between two NoC interfaces.

Figure 1. create_noc_connection Code Example

You can provide a custom name to a NoC connection by specifying the required custom name. For example, the following command creates a NoC connection with the name connection_1.

create_noc_connection -source $nmu_0 -target $nsu_0 connection_1

Also, you can create a NoC connection to a specific sub-instance. For example, the following command creates a NoC connection with the name connection_1 at sub-instance test.

create_noc_connection -source $nmu_0 -target $nsu_0 test/connection_1