Vivado Board Support and XDC Files Installation

Alveo U50 Data Center Accelerator Card User Guide (UG1371)

Document ID
Release Date
1.1 English

Prior to creating a Vivado RTL project based on an Alveo™ card, download the Alveo Vivado board support and XDC files associated with your Alveo card from the Getting Started tab of the Alveo U50 Product Page.

  1. Close all instances of Vivado tools.
  2. Navigate to the desired Alveo product page, and download the Vivado board zip file.
  3. Update the Vivado board support repository by extracting the Vivado Board ZIP file to the boards directory. For Vivado 2021.1 and greater, the boards directory is located within the AMD Vivado Design Suite installation path at:
    For example, if your Vivado tools installation is located at:
    where <version> is the Vivado tools version you are using, then for Vivado 2021.1 and greater extract the contents to:

    For Vivado releases prior to 2021.1, the boards directory is located within the AMD Vivado Design Suite installation path at:

  4. In addition to the Vivado board file, also download the Xilinx Design Constraints (XDC) file from the Alveo product page. The location of the XDC file on your system is not important.

After you install the Vivado board file and download the XDC file, you can create a Vivado RTL project.