System Design Example for Versal Stacked Silicon Interconnect Devices

This chapter guides you through building a system based on AMD Versal™ devices using available tools and supported software blocks for Stacked Silicon Interconnect (SSI) devices. It explains how to create an embedded design using PL AXI GPIO and PL AXI UART using the AMD Vivado™ tool for the Versal Premium VP1802 SSI device based VPK180 board. Refer to the Documentation Reference Guide (UG949) for information on designing with SSI devices. It also describes configuring and building the Linux operating system for an Arm® Cortex™-A72 core-based APU for a targeted Versal device.

Design Example: Using AXI GPIO

The design example uses PL-based AXI GPIO interfaces to control the LEDs on the board using a Linux application (gpiotest). To use the four Super Logic Regions (SLR) available in the VP1802 SSI technology device, the PL AXI GPIO interface paths for LED0, LED1, LED2, and LED3 are routed through SLR-0, SLR-1, SLR-2, and SLR-3, respectively.

The RPU bare-metal example application uses the PL-based AXI UART lite to print the debug messages on the AXI UART console instead of using the PS UART console.

The steps to configure the following are described in this design example:

  • Versal CIPS IP core configuration for SSI technology devices.

  • NoC (DDR) IP Core configuration and related connections required for SSI technology devices.

  • Configure AXI GPIO and AXI UART PL IPs and related connections to the CIPS through PS and PL interfaces.

Versal CIPS IP Core Configuration

The Versal CIPS IP core allows you to configure the processing system and the PMC block, including boot mode, peripherals, clocks, interfaces, and interrupts, among other things.

Managing the Versal CIPS IP Core in the Vivado Design Suite

  1. To create a new project and block design, follow the steps as given in Versal CIPS and NoC (DDR) IP Core Configuration.

  2. To get started, add an IP from the IP catalog by clicking the Add IP button.

  3. In the search box, type CIPS to find the Control, Interfaces, and Processing System.

  4. Double-click the Control, Interface and Processing System IP to add it to the block design. The CIPS IP core appears in the diagram view, as shown in the following figure:

  5. Click Run Block Automation.

  6. Configure the run block settings as shown in the following figure:

  7. Double-click versal_cips_0 in the Block Diagram window.

  8. Ensure that all the settings for Design Flow and Presets are as shown in the following figure.

  9. Click Next, then click PS PMC.



    For non SSI technology devices, one PS PMC is available.

  10. In PSPMC tab, go to Peripherals and enable the TTC peripherals as shown in figure below:

  1. Make sure the IO configuration settings are as shown below:



VPK180 preset values sets QSPI and SD as the default boot modes. No changes are required.

  1. Click Interrupts and configure settings as shown in the figure below:

  1. Click OK and Finish to close the CIPS GUI.

NoC (and DDR) IP Core Configuration

This section describes the NoC (and DDR) configuration and related connections required for use with the CIPS configured earlier in the previous section. The NoC IP core allows configuring the NoC and enabling the DDR memory controllers.

Configuring NoC and CIPS

  1. Open CIPS → PS-PMC.

  2. Click NoC and enable the NoC coherent, non-coherent interfaces and the NoC to PMC interfaces for Master SLR (SLR-0) as shown below.

  3. Enable PMC to NoC and NoC to PMC connectivity for slave SLRs (SLR-1, SLR-2, SLR3) as shown below.

    ../_images/vpk_noc-interface-slr-1.png ../_images/vpk_noc-interface-slr-2.png ../_images/vpk_noc-interface-slr-3.png
  4. Click OK and Finish to close the CIPS GUI.

  5. Add two AXI NoC IP from the IP catalog.

  6. Double-click the axi_noc-0. From Board tab, enable the LPDDR triplet and associated clocks as shown below.

  7. Select the General tab, set Number of AXI Slave interfaces, AXI Clocks to 8, and the Number of Inter-NoC Master Interfaces to 5 as shown below.

  8. From the Inputs tab, configure the following settings for the eight AXI Slave interfaces as shown below.

  9. Configure the following settings from the Connectivity tab.

  10. Click OK.

  11. Double-click the axi_noc-1. From General tab, set Number of AXI Slave interfaces to 3, Number of AXI Master interfaces to 4, AXI Clocks to 7, and the Number of Inter-NoC Slave Interfaces to 5 as shown below.

  1. From the Inputs tab, configure the 3 AXI Slave interfaces to PS PMC as shown below:

  1. From the Outputs tab, configure the 4 AXI Master interfaces to PS PMC as shown below:

  1. Configure the following settings from the Connectivity tab.

  1. Click OK.

  2. Make connections between CIPS and NoC as shown below.


Configuring PL AXI GPIO and AXI UART

This section describes the PS and PL configurations and the related connections to create a complete system with AXI GPIO and AXI UART. You can do this by adding the required IPs from the AMD Vivado™ IP catalog and then connect the components to blocks in the PS subsystem. To configure the hardware, follow these steps:

Configuring CIPS PS-PL interface

To connect the PL IPs to CIPS, follow these steps.

  1. Double-click the Versal CIPS IP core.

  2. Click PS-PMC→ PS-PL Interfaces.

  3. Enable the M_AXI_FPD interface and set the Number of PL Resets to 1, as shown in the Image.

  4. Click Clocking, and then click on the Output Clocks tab.

  5. Expand PMC Domain Clocks. Then expand PL Fabric Clocks. Configure the PL0_REF_CLK (PL CLK 0) to 300 MHz as shown in the following figure:

  6. Click OK and Finish to complete the configuration and return to the block diagram.

Configuring PL Hardware

To configure the PL IPs used in this design example, follow these steps.

  1. Right-click the block diagram and select Add IP from the IP catalog.

  2. Search for AXI GPIO and double-click the AXI GPIO IP to add four instance of IP into the design.

  3. Search for AXI Uartlite in the IP catalog and add it into the design.

  4. Click Run Connection Automation in the Block Design view.


    The Run Connection Automation dialog box opens.

  5. In the Run Connection Automation dialog box, select the All Automation check box.


    This checks the automation for all the ports of the AXI GPIO IP.

  6. Click GPIO of axi_gpio_0 and set the Select Board Part Interface to Custom as shown below.

  7. Click S_AXI of axi_gpio_0. Set the configurations as shown in the following figure.

  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for axi_gpio_1, axi_gpio_2, and axi_gpio_3.

  9. Click S_AXI of axi_uartlite_0. Set the configurations as shown in the following figure.

  10. Click UART of axi_uartlite_0. Set the configurations as shown in the following figure.

  1. Click OK.

  2. This configuration sets the following connections:

    • Connects the S_AXI of AXI_GPIO and AXI UART lite to M_AXI_FPD of CIPS with SmartConnect as a bridge IP between CIPS and AXI GPIO IPs.

    • Enables the processor system reset IP.

    • Connects the pl0_ref_clk to the processor system reset, AXI GPIO, and the SmartConnect IP clocks.

    • Connects the reset of the SmartConnect and AXI GPIO to the peripheral_aresetn of the processor system reset IP.

  3. Click Run Connection Automation in the block design window and select the All Automation check box.

  4. Click ext_reset_in and configure the setting as shown below.


This connects the ext_reset_in of the processor system reset IP to the pl_resetn of the CIPS.

  1. Click OK.

  2. Disconnect the aresetn of SmartConnect IP from peripheral_aresetn of processor system reset IP.

  3. Connect the aresetn of SmartConnect IP to interconnect_aresetn of processor system reset IP.

  1. Double-click the axi_gpio_0 IP to open it.

  2. Go to the IP Configuration tab, and configure the settings as shown in the following figure.

  1. Make the same setting for axi_gpio_1, axi_gpio_2, and axi_gpio_3.

  2. Delete the external pins of the axi_gpio_0 IP and expand the interface.

  3. Make the output of axi_gpio_0 IP as External.

  4. Right-click the external port of axi_gpio_0 IP and select External Port Properties and rename as Dout_0.

  1. Repeat step 21 to step 23 for axi_gpio_1, axi_gpio_2, and axi_gpio_3 and rename as Dout_1, Dout_2, and Dout_3, respectively.

  2. Add three instances of AXI Register Slice IP to be placed on SLR-1, SLR-2, and SLR-3.

  3. Right-click a Register Slice IP and select Block Properties and rename as axi_register_slice_1_s2 as shown below.

  1. Double-click the AXI Register Slice IP, and set Protocol as AXI4LITE by setting it as manual as shown below.

  1. Repeat step 26 and 27 for the second and third instances of AXI Register Slice IP and rename as axi_register_slice_2_s2 and axi_register_slice_3_s2, respectively.


axi_register_slice_1_s2, axi_register_slice_2_s2, and axi_register_slice_3_s2 are placed to SLR-1, SLR-2, and SLR-3, respectively using the constraints file provided as part of the package in the ``pl_gpio_uart/constrs` folder.

SLR Crossing from SLR-0 to SLR-1


SLR crossing registers are added to improve timing closure and alleviate routing congestion of long resources.

  1. Add two instances of AXI Register Slice IP to handle the SLR crossing from SLR-0 to SLR-1.

  2. Right-click the Register Slice IP and select Block Properties and rename as axi_register_slice_1_s1.

  3. Double-click the Register Slice IP and set the Register Slice Option as SLR Crossing as shown below.

  4. Repeat step 30 and step 31 for the second instance of AXI Register Slice IP and rename as axi_register_slice_1_s3.

SLR Crossing from SLR-0 to SLR-2

  1. Similarly add two instances of AXI Register Slice IP to handle the multi SLR crossing from SLR-0 to SLR-2.

  2. Right-click a Register Slice IP and select Block Properties and rename as axi_register_slice_2_s1.

  3. Double-click a Register Slice IP and set the Register Slice Option as Multi SLR Crossing as shown below.

  4. Open SLR Crossing tab, and set Number of SLR Crossing as 2 as shown below.

  5. Repeat step 34, step 35, and step 36 for the second instance of AXI Register Slice IP and rename as axi_register_slice_2_s3.

SLR Crossing from SLR-0 to SLR-3

  1. Similarly add two instances of AXI Register Slice IP to handle the SLR crossing from SLR-0 to SLR-3.

  2. Right-click a Register Slice IP and select Block Properties and rename as axi_register_slice_3_s1.

  3. Double-click a Register Slice IP and set the Register Slice Option as Multi SLR Crossing as shown below.

  4. Open SLR Crossing tab, and set Number of SLR Crossing as 3 as shown below.

  5. Repeat step 39, step 40, and step 41 for the second instance of the AXI Register Slice IP and rename as axi_register_slice_3_s3.

  6. Disconnect axi_gpio_0 , axi_gpio_1 , axi_gpio_2 and axi_gpio_3 from AXI smart connect and connect the register slices as shown below.

  7. Click Run Connection Automation in the Block Design view. Select aclk of all register slices and click OK.

  8. Double-click axi_uartlite_0 to open the IP. Go to the IP Configuration tab and configure the settings as shown in the following figure.

  9. Add Clock Wizard IP. Double-click to open the IP.

  10. Go to Clocking Features tab and set the configuration as shown below:

  11. Make sure the Source option in Input Clock Information is set to Global buffer.

  12. Go to Output clocks tab and configure the output clock as 250 MHz as follows:

  13. Right-click pl0_ref_clk of CIPS and click Disconnect Pin.

  14. Connect the pl0_ref_clk from CIPS to input clk_in1 of the Clocking wizard.

  15. Connect the output of clocking wizard to slowest_sync_clock of Processor System Reset IP.

    This helps in avoiding timing failure.

The overall block design is shown in the following figure:


Validating the Design and Generating the Output

To validate the design and to generate the output product, follow these steps:

  1. Return to the block design view and save your block design (press Ctrl+S).

  2. Right-click in the white space of the Block Diagram view and select Validate Design. Alternatively, you can press the F6 key. A message dialog box opens as shown below.

    The Vivado tool prompts you to map the IPs in the design to an address. Click Yes.



    The number of address segments may vary depending on the number of memory mapped IPs in the design.

    Once the validation is complete, a message dialog box opens as shown below:

  3. Click OK to close the message.

  4. Click the Sources window.

    1. Expand Constraints.

    2. Right-click on constrs_1-> ADD Sources.

      The Add Sources window opens.

    3. Choose Add or Create Constraints option and click Next.

    4. Choose the .xdc file to be added.


      The constraints file is provided as part of the package in the pl_gpio_uart/constrs folder.

    5. Click Finish.

  5. In the Block Design view, click Sources tab

  6. Click Hierarchy and Expand Design Sources Folder, right-click edt_versal and select Create HDL Wrapper.

    The Create HDL Wrapper dialog box opens. Use this dialog box to create an HDL wrapper file for the processor subsystem.


    The HDL wrapper is a top-level entity required by the design tools.

  7. Select Let Vivado manage wrapper and auto-update and click OK.

  8. In the Sources window, under Design Sources, expand edt_versal_wrapper.

  9. Right-click the top-level block design, edt_versal_i : edt_versal (, and select Generate Output Products.

  10. Click Generate.

  11. When the Generate Output Products process completes, click OK.

  12. In the Sources window, click the IP Sources view. Here, you can see the output products that you just generated, as shown in the following figure.


Synthesizing, Implementing, and Generating the Device Image

Follow these steps to generate a device image for the design.

  1. Go to Flow Navigator→ Program and Debug, click Generate Device Image and click OK.

  2. A No Implementation Results Available menu appears. Click Yes.

  3. A Launch Run menu appears. Click OK.

    When the Device Image Generation completes, the Device Image Generation Completed dialog box opens.

  4. Click Cancel to close the window.


The generated device image needs to be overlayed with secio-sysmon.v3.cdo file to enable accessing slave SLRs power rails. For more information refer to the Answer Record (#000034400.)

  1. Copy secio-sysmon.v3.cdo from <design-package>/ref_files/EDT_2024.1_PACKAGE/ug1305-embedded-design-tutorial/vpk180/pl/pl_gpio_uart to the working directory.

  2. Navigate to the generated device image path ../project_1/project_1.runs/impl/ and run the below command as mentioned in (AR#000034400)

    exec [exec which bootgen] -arch versal -image ./edt_versal_wrapper.bif -w -o ./edt_versal_wrapper.pdi -overlay_cdo ../../../secio-sysmon.v3.cdo
  3. Export hardware after you generate the new Device Image.


    The following steps are optional and you can skip these and go to the Exporting Hardware section. These steps provide the detailed flow for generating the device image by running synthesis and implementation before generating device image. If you need to understand the flow for generating the device image, follow the steps provided below.

    1. Go to Flow Navigator→ Synthesis and click Run Synthesis.

    2. If Vivado prompts you to save your project before launching synthesis, click Save.

      While synthesis is running, a status bar is displayed in the upper right-hand window. This status bar spools for various reasons throughout the design process. The status bar signifies that a process is working in the background. When synthesis is complete, the Synthesis Completed dialog box opens.

    3. Select Run Implementation and click OK.

      When implementation completes, the Implementation Completed dialog box opens.

    4. Select Generate Device Image and click OK.

      When Device Image Generation completes, the Device Image Generation Completed dialog box opens.

    5. Click Cancel to close the window.

      Export hardware, after you generate Device Image.

Exporting Hardware

  1. From the Vivado main menu, select File→ Export → Export Hardware. The Export Hardware dialog box opens.

  2. Choose Include bitstream and click Next.

  3. Provide a name for your exported file (or use the default provided) and choose the location. Click Next.

    A warning message appears if a hardware module has already been exported. You may choose to pick a different name for this design or click Yes to overwrite the existing XSA file, if the overwrite message is displayed.

  4. Click Finish.

Example Project: FreeRTOS AXI UARTLITE Application Project with RPU

This section explains how to configure and build the FreeRTOS application for an Arm Cortex-R5F core based RPU on a Versal device.

The following steps demonstrate the procedure to create a FreeRTOS Application from Arm Cortex-R5F:


Creating the Platform

To create the platform for VPK180, follow these steps:

  1. Select the workspace.

  2. Select File > New Component > Platform.

    Wizard Screen

    System Properties

    Setting or command to use


    Component name


    Component location

    < platform path >

    Hardware Design (XSA)

    Click the browser button to add your XSA file


    Operating System




  3. Select the Hardware Design (XSA) and click Next.

  4. Select Operating System and Processor, click Next, then click Finish.

    Platform is created successfully.


Creating an Empty Application

  1. Launch Vitis IDE and open the workspace where the platform is created.

  2. Select File > New Component > Application. The Creating a New Application Components wizard opens. If this is the first time that you have launched the Vitis IDE, you can select Create Application Component on the Welcome screen.

  3. Add the Component name and the component location.

    Wizard Screen

    System Properties

    Setting or command to use

    Application Details

    Component name


    Component location

    < Application path >

    Select a platform from repository



    Select a Domain

    +Create New



    Operating System




  4. Select the Created Platform and click Next.

  5. Add name and OS “freertos”.

  6. Select domain “psv_cortexr5_0” and click Next.

  7. Click Finish and the Empty Application is created Successfully.

  8. Delete the source files under source/directory and copy the freertos source code files from the FreeRTOS project path, <design-package>/ch5_system_design_example_source__files/rpu/ to the source/directory.

  9. Configure the Vitis IDE to enable AXI UARTLITE for RPU application debug console under the FreeRTOS Board Support Package. Navigate to vitis-comp.json under vpk180_platform project under Settings. Then select Navigate to BSP Settings under Board support package. Modify stdin and stdout to axi_uarlite_0 by selecting it from the drop-down options, as shown in the following snippet.


Building the Application

  1. Select the Component (Application) to be built.

  2. Click Build.


    Project is built successfully. On PL AXI UART Serial Console, RPU debug logs is printed as shown below:

    Gpio Initialization started
    Counter 0
    Counter 1
    Counter 2
    Counter 3
    Counter 4
    Counter 5

Example Project: Creating Linux Images Using PetaLinux

This section explains how to configure and build the Linux operating system for an Arm Cortex-A72 core-based APU on a Versal device. You can use the PetaLinux tool with the board-specific BSP to configure and build Linux images.

This example needs a Linux host machine. Refer to the PetaLinux Tools Documentation Reference Guide UG1144 for information on dependencies and installation procedure for the PetaLinux tool.


This example uses the VPK180 PetaLinux BSP to create a PetaLinux project. Ensure that you have downloaded the respective BSP for PetaLinux (VPK180).





VPK180 Production Board

xilinx-vpk180-v2024.1-05230256.bsp <>



  1. Copy the respective board’s PetaLinux BSP to the current directory.

  2. Set up the PetaLinux environment

    $ source <petalinux-tools-path>/settings.csh
  3. Create a PetaLinux project using the following command.

    $ petalinux-create -t project -s xilinx-vpk180-vxxyy.z-final.bsp -n led_example


    • For VPK180 board, use xilinx-vpk180-vxxyy.z-final.bsp after the -s option in the command.

  4. Change to the PetaLinux project directory using the following command.

    $cd led_example
  5. Copy the hardware platform project XSA to the Linux host machine.


    For the VPK180 board, use the XSA file that you generated in the Design Example: Using AXI GPIO.

  6. Reconfigure the BSP using the following commands.

    $ petalinux-config --get-hw-description=<path till the directory containing the respective xsa file>

    This command opens the PetaLinux Configuration window. For this example, no need to change anything in this window.

  7. Click <Save> to save the above configuration and then <Exit> to exit the configuration wizard.

  8. Create a Linux application named gpiotest within the PetaLinux project using the following command.

    $petalinux-create -t apps --template install --name gpiotest --enable
  9. Copy application files from <design-package>/<vpk180>/linux/bootimages to the project using the following commands.

    $cp <design-package>/ch7_system_design_example_source__files/apu/gpiotest_app/gpiotest/files/* <plnxproj-root>/project-spec/meta-user/recipes-apps/gpiotest/files/
    $cp <design-package>/ch7_system_design_example_source__files/apu/gpiotest_app/gpiotest/ <plnx-proj-root>/project-spec/meta-user/recipes-apps/gpiotest/
    $cp <design-package>/ch7_system_design_example_source__files/apu/device_tree/system-user.dtsi <plnx-proj-root>/project-spec/meta-user/recipes-bsp/device-tree/files/system-user.dtsi
  10. Enable GPIO support within kernel configuration.

    $petalinux-config -c kernel


    This command opens the kernel configuration wizard for the PetaLinux project.

  11. Navigate to Device drivers→ GPIO Support and enable it by pressing the <Y> key. Press Enter and enable the Debug GPIO calls and /sys/class/gpio/...(sysfs interface) entries by pressing the <Y> key as shown in the following figure.

  12. Navigate to Memory mapped GPIO drivers and enable GPIO support and Zynq GPIO support by pressing <Y> key as shown in the following figure.

  13. Click <Save> to save the above configuration and then <Exit> option to exit the configuration wizard.

  14. Configure ROOTFS to disable the AIE, STDC++, and Tcl options to reduce the rootfs size to fit into both SD and OSPI/QSPI Flash partitions.

    petalinux-config -c rootfs
  15. Navigate to User Packages and disable aie-notebooks, openamp-demo-notebooks, packagegroup-petalinux-jupyter, pm-notebooks, and python3-ipywidgets support by pressing <Y> key as shown in the following figure.

  16. Navigate to Filesystem Packages → misc → gcc-runtime and disable libstdc++ support by pressing <Y> key as shown in the following figure.

  17. Navigate to Filesystem Packages → devel → tcltk → tcl and disable tcl support by pressing <Y> key as shown in the following figure.

  18. Click <Save> to save the above configuration and then click <Exit> to exit the configuration wizard.


    Only SD and QSPI boot modes will work on VPK180 Production boards.

  19. Build the Linux images using the following command.

    $ petalinux-build


Skipping steps 5 and 6 in the Synthesizing, Implementing, and Generating the Device Image section will result in PLM Error Status: 0x22220001 while booting PetaLinux.

After flashing the built images, all four LEDs which are connected to slave SLR will be turned on on the VPK180 board.