Debugging Using the Vitis Software Platform¶
This chapter describes debugging possibilities with the design flow you have already been working with. The first option is debugging using the AMD Vitis™ software platform.
The Vitis software platform debugger provides the following debug capabilities:
Supports debugging of programs on Arm® Cortex™-A72, Arm Cortex-R5F, and MicroBlaze™ processor architectures (heterogeneous multi-processor hardware system debugging).
Supports debugging of programs on hardware boards.
Supports debugging on remote hardware systems.
Provides a feature-rich IDE to debug programs.
Provides a tool command language (Tcl) interface for running test scripts and automation.
The Vitis software platform debugger enables you to see what is happening to a program while it executes. You can set breakpoints or watchpoints to stop the processor, step through program execution, view the program variables and stack, and view the memory contents in the system.
The Vitis software platform supports debugging through system debugger.
Customized System Debugger¶
The Vitis software platform debugger enables you to step through your code line by line. You can set breakpoints or watchpoints to stop the processor, step through program execution, view the program variables and stack, and view the memory contents in the system.
The debugger supports debugging through Single Application Debug and GNU Debugger (GDB). The customized system debugger is derived from open-source tools and is integrated with the Vitis software platform. It uses the hw_server as the underlying debug engine. The Vitis software platform translates each user interface action into a sequence of target communication framework (TCF) commands. It then processes the output from System Debugger to display the current state of the program being debugged. It communicates to the processor on the hardware using hw_server. The debug workflow is described in the following figure.
Figure 1: System Debugger Flow
The debug workflow is made up of the following components.
Executable ELF File: To debug your application, you must use an elf file compiled for debugging. The debug elf file contains additional debug information for the debugger to make direct associations between the source code and the binaries generated from the original source. To manage the build configurations, right-click the software application and select Build Configurations → Manage.
Debug Configuration: To launch the debug session, you must create a debug configuration in the Vitis software platform. This configuration captures options required to start a debug session, including the executable name, processor target to debug, and other information. To create a debug configuration, right-click your software application and select Debug As→ Debug Configurations.
The Vitis Software Platform Debug Perspective: Using the Debug perspective, you can manage the debugging or running of a program in the workbench. You can control the execution of your program by setting breakpoints, suspending launched programs, stepping through your code, and examining the contents of variables. To view the Debug perspective, select Window → Open Perspective → Debug.
You can repeat the cycle of modifying the code, building the executable, and debugging the program in the Vitis software platform.
If you edit the source after compiling, it changes the line numbering as the debug information is linked directly to the source. Similarly, debugging optimized binaries can also cause unexpected jumps in the execution trace.
Debugging Software Using the Vitis Software Platform¶
This example describes debugging a hello world application.
If you did not create a hello world application on APU or RPU, follow the steps in creating-a-hello-world-application-for-the-arm-cortex-a72-on-ocm or Creating the Standalone Application Project for the Arm Cortex-R5F.
After you create the Hello World Application, work through the following example to debug the software using the Vitis software platform.
Select the Component (Application) to be built.
Click Build.
The Project Build Successfully screen is displayed.
Connecting with the Target¶
To connect with the target (board form), follow these steps:
Click Debug settings.
Set the Target Connection to New.
Add the name for the Target Connection and the host and click Test Connection.
Click OK.
Click Run and observe the output.
Debugging Using the Software Command Line Tool (XSCT)¶
You can debug in the command line mode using the Xilinx System Debugger (XSDB), which is available as a part of XSCT. This example describes debugging the bare-metal application hello_world_r5 using XSCT.
The following steps indicate how to load a bare-metal application on Arm Cortex-R5F using XSCT.
This example demonstrates the command line debugging possibility using XSDB/XSCT. Based on the requirement, you can debug the code using either the system debugger graphical interface or the command line debugger in XSCT. All XSCT commands can be scripted and this applies to the commands covered in this example.
Setting Up a Target¶
Connect a USB cable between USB-JTAG connector on the target and the USB port on the host machine.
Set the board in the JTAG Boot mode, where SW1 is set as shown in following figure.
Power on the board using the power switch SW13.
Click Terminal in the Vitis toolbar, and select New Terminal. Type
.In the XSCT Console view, use the
command to connect to the target via JTAG:xsct% connect
The connect command returns the connected channel ID.
Load the pdi/bin file.
device program <path to .pdi file>
This PDI file can be found in . In Windows, path names should be enclosed in parentheses (e.g., {}) to avoid backslashes being treated as escape characters. This is not the case for Linux which uses forward
slashes. C:edtedt_versaledt_versal.runsimpl_1edt_versal_wrapper.pdi C:pathtofile.pdi
Loading the Application Using XSCT¶
Following are the steps to load the application using XSCT.
Run xsct% targets.
The targets command lists the available targets and allows you to select a target through its ID. Target IDs can change from session to session as the targets are assigned IDs as they are discovered on the JTAG chain.
For non-interactive usage such as scripting, the -filter option can be used to select a target instead of selecting the target through its ID.
The targets are listed below:
xsct% target 1 Versal xcvc1902 2 RPU 3 Cortex-R5 #0 (Halted) 4 Cortex-R5 #1 (Lock Step Mode) 5 APU 6 Cortex-A72 #0 (Running) 7 Cortex-A72 #1 (Running) 8 PPU 9 MicroBlaze PPU (Sleeping) 10 PSM 11 MicroBlaze PSM (Sleeping) 12 PMC 13 PL 14 DPC
Download the hello_world_r5 application on the Arm Cortex-R5F Core 0.
Select RPU Cortex-R5F Core 0 target ID.
tcl xsct% targets 3 xsct% rst -processor
The command rst -processor clears the reset on an individual processor core. This step is important because when the AMD Versal™ device boots the JTAG boot mode, all the Cortex- A72 and Cortex-R5F cores are held in reset. You must clear the resets on each core, before debugging on these cores. The rst command in XSDB can be used to clear the resets.
The command rst -cores clears resets on all the processor cores in the group (such as APU or RPU), of which the current target is a child. For example, when Cortex-A72 #0 is the current target, rst -cores clears resets on all the Cortex-A72 cores in APU.
xsct% dow {C:\edt\edt_vck190\helloworld_r5\Debug\helloworld_r5.elf}
xsct% dow C:/edt/edt_vck190/helloworld_r5/Debug/helloworld_r5.elf
At this point, you can see the sections from the elf file downloaded sequentially. The XSCT prompt can be seen after a successful download. Now, configure a serial terminal (Tera Term, Mini com, or the Vitis software platform Serial Terminal interface for UART-0 USB-serial connection).
Configuring the Serial Terminal¶
Start a terminal session using Tera Term or Mini com depending on the host machine being used and the COM port and baud rate as shown in following figure.
For port settings, verify the COM port in the device manager. There are three USB UART interfaces exposed by the VCK190 board. Select the COM port associated with the interface with the lowest number. In this example, for UART-0, select the com-port with interface-0.
Running and Debugging Application Using XSCT¶
Before you run the application, set a breakpoint at main().
xsct% bpadd -addr &main
This command returns the breakpoint ID. You can verify the breakpoints planted using command bplist. For more details on breakpoints in XSCT, type help breakpoint in XSCT.
Resume the processor core.
xsct% con
The following message is displayed when the core hits the breakpoint.
xsct% Info: Cortex-R5 \#0 Stopped at 0x10021C (Breakpoint)
At this point, you can view registers when the core is stopped.
xsct% rrd
View local variables.
xsct% locals
Step over a line of the source code and view the stack trace.
tcl xsct% nxt Info: Cortex-R5 #0 Stopped at 0x100490 (Step) xsct% bt
You can use the help command to find other options.
You can use the help running command to get a list of possible options for running or debugging an application using XSCT.
You can now run the code.
xsct% con
At this point, you can see the Cortex-R5F application print messages on the UART-0 terminal.