configure secure communication
command from app to master:Header (4B) SLR index (4B) Source address high (4B) Source address Low (4B) The source address is the base address of following structure. This structure must be placed in the OCM for security.IV1 (16B) IV2 (16B) Key (32B) -
configure secure communication
command at boot time (first command) from master to slave (that is, before secure communication is established).AAD(32B) (Header (4B), SLR index (4B), IV1 (16B) padded with 0s)
Encrypted IV2, KEY (48B) GCM Tag (16B) -
configure secure communication
command at runtime. Other SSI technology messages from master to slave (that is, after secure communication is established).AAD (32B)
(Header (4B) padded with all 0s)
Encrypted payload GCM Tag (16B) - Response from slave to master.
Encrypted response (32B) GCM Tag (16B)