XRT and Deployment Package Installation Procedures on Ubuntu - 2.3 English - UG1301

Getting Started with Alveo Data Center Accelerator Cards User Guide (UG1301)

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Release Date
2.3 English

Use the following steps to download and install the XRT deployment platforms.

For details on upgrading or downgrading the XRT and deployment package, see Changing XRT and Target Platform Versions.

  1. Run the following command to install linux headers. Ensure that uname is surrounded by backticks ( `) and not single quotes ('):
    $ sudo apt install linux-headers-`uname -r`
  2. After the previous command completes, reboot your machine.
  3. Download both the XRT and deployment platform installation packages associated with your card from the Getting Started tab on the respective Alveo card product page:
    Note: Select the Vitis Design Flow tool version 2022.1 or greater.
  4. Install the XRT installation package by running the following command from within the directory where the XRT installation packages reside.
    $ sudo apt install ./xrt*.deb

    This will install the XRT along with any necessary dependencies. Follow the instructions when prompted throughout the installation.

  5. Unpack the deployment target platform tar.gz file into a single directory. The location of the directory is not important, however the directory should not contain any other files.

  6. Install the deployment packages. From within the directory where the installation packages were unpacked, run the following command. This will install all deployment packages.
    sudo apt install ./*.deb

    Alternatively, you can install the deployment platform installation packages individually. If this is the case, install them in the following order.

    • Satellite controller firmware
    • Card management firmware
    • Base partition firmware
    • Platform validation
    • Shell partition firmware (DFX-2RP platforms only)

    The following command is an example of how to install each package individually for a DFX-2RP platform.

    $ sudo apt install ./xilinx-sc-fw-<version>.deb ./xilinx-cmc-<cmc_version>.deb ./xilinx-u250-<base_version>.deb ./xilinx-u250-<validate_version>.deb ./xilinx-u250-<shell_version>.deb
    For additional details related to the deployment platforms for your Alveo card, see the Alveo Data Center Accelerator Card Platforms User Guide (UG1120).
  7. Flash the base partition to the Alveo card. After installing the deployment packages in the previous step, the following message is displayed:
    Partition package installed successfully.
    Flash the card by following the instructions in the installation guide.
    Use the following command to flash the card. It assumes only one deployment platform is installed on the card. If more than one platform is installed the --image option needs to be added. See xbmgmt documentation for details.
    Important: If you have multiple cards installed in the system the following xbmgmt program command must be ran separately for each card.
    $ sudo /opt/xilinx/xrt/bin/xbmgmt program --base --device <management BDF>
    Where management BDF is the card to be programmed. See Displaying Card BDF Values to obtain the device management BDF.
  8. You will be asked to confirm the update, as follows. Type y and press the Enter key.
    Actions to perform:
    [0000:03:00.0] : Program base (FLASH) image
    [0000:03:00.0] : Program Satellite Controller (SC) image
    Are you sure you wish to proceed? [Y/n]: y

    Flashing can take several minutes.

    Important: Do not enter Ctrl + c in the terminal while the firmware is flashing as this can cause the card to become inoperable.
    Important: N'entrez pas Ctrl + c dans le terminal lorsque le micrologiciel clignote, car cela pourrait rendre la carte inutilisable.
    Important: Geben Sie im Terminal nicht Strg + c ein, während die Firmware blinkt, da dies dazu führen kann, dass die Karte nicht mehr funktioniert.

    Successfully flashing a new card results in a message similar to the following. If the command returns Card Not Found, perform a cold boot, and retry. Otherwise, see Troubleshooting.

    [0000:03:00.0] : Updating base (e.g., shell) flash image...
    Bitstream guard installed on flash @0x1002000
    Extracting bitstream from MCS data:
    Extracted 34746164 bytes from bitstream @0x1002000
    Writing bitstream to flash 0:
    Bitstream guard removed from flash
    INFO : Base flash image has been programmed successfully.
    [0000:03:00.0] : Satellite Controller (SC) is either up-to-date,
    fixed, or not installed. No actions taken.
    [0000:03:00.0] : Successfully flashed the base (e.g., shell) image
    Device flashed successfully.
    Cold reboot machine to load the new image on device.

    If the card has been flashed with the current platform firmware, you will see a message similar to the following.

    Device(s) up-to-date and do not need to be flashed.
  9. Cold boot your machine to load the new base firmware image on the FPGA.
    Important: Be sure to fully power OFF the machine and then power it ON again. The image will not boot from flash if the machine is only rebooted.
    Important : Assurez-vous d'éteindre complètement la machine, puis de la rallumer. L'image flash ne démarrera pas si la machine n'est pas redémarrée.
    Wichtig: Schalten Sie das Gerät vollständig aus und wieder ein. Das Image startet nicht von Flash, wenn der Computer nur neu gestartet wird.
  10. Update the SC firmware on the card. Run the following command to update the SC firmware on the card. It is the identical command used to flash the platform firmware on the card.
    $ sudo /opt/xilinx/xrt/bin/xbmgmt program --base --device <management BDF>
    Where management BDF is the card requiring SC firmware update. See Displaying Card BDF Values to obtain the device management BDF.

    Updating the SC firmware can take several minutes.

    Important: If you have multiple cards installed in the system, you must run the above xbmgmt program command separately for each card.
    You will be asked to confirm the update, as follows. Type y and press the Enter key.
    Actions to perform:
      [0000:03:00.0] : Program Satellite Controller (SC) image
    Are you sure you wish to proceed? [Y/n]: y

    A message similar to the following will be displayed after a successful SC firmware update, where the device management BDF is given in square brackets.

    [0000:03:00.0] : Updating Satellite Controller (SC) firmware flash image...
    INFO     : found 4 sections
    [PASSED] : SC successfully updated < 37s >
    INFO     : Loading new firmware on SC
    INFO: Base (e.g., shell) flash images are the same.
      [0000:03:00.0] : Successfully flashed the Satellite Controller (SC) image
      [0000:03:00.0] : Base (e.g., shell) image is up-to-date.  No actions taken.
    Device flashed successfully.
    Warm reboot is required to recognize new SC image on the device.

    If the card already has the current firmware, a message similar to the following is displayed.

    Device is up-to-date.  No flashing to performed.
  11. For DFX-1RP platforms the installation for deployment is complete. For DFX-2RP platforms, it is necessary to program the shell partition. Use the following command to program the shell partition:
    $ sudo /opt/xilinx/xrt/bin/xbmgmt program --device <management BDF> --shell <partition file with path>
    See Displaying Card BDF Values to obtain the device management BDF.

    Refer to Programming the Shell Partition for DFX-2RP Platforms for obtaining the shell partition file with path.

The installation for deployment is now complete. To validate the installation was successful see Card Bring-Up and Validation.