Revision History - 2.3 English - UG1301

Getting Started with Alveo Data Center Accelerator Cards User Guide (UG1301)

Document ID
Release Date
2.3 English
The following table shows the revision history for this document.
Section Revision Summary
12/23/2022 Version 2.3
XRT and Deployment Platform Installation Procedures on RedHat and CentOS
  • Updated important note to direct the user to the following command, not the above command.
  • Added reference to Displaying Card BDF Values section.
XRT and Deployment Package Installation Procedures on Ubuntu
  • Updated Kernel to Linux for U200/U250/U280 in step 1 and step 4 for 2rp.
  • Added reference to Displaying Card BDF Values section.
08/19/2022 Version 2.2
XRT and Deployment Package Installation Procedures on Ubuntu Updated information.
04/07/2022 Version 2.1
Programming the Shell Partition for DFX-2RP Platforms Updated the uuid path.
02/18/2022 Version 2.0
General Card Features, Minimum System Requirements, and Qualified Servers topics moved to Card Installation Procedures section.
Introduction Updated to include information for DFX-1RP and DFX-2RP platforms.
Minimum System Requirements Updated to reflect the latest OS support.
Before You Begin Added a link to Xilinx Answer Record 72298.
Installing the Card Added a link to Xilinx Answer Record 72298.
Installing the Deployment Software

Updated to include references to xbutil and xbmgmt utilities.

DFX-1RP and DFX-2RP information added.

Added reference to Alveo product pages.

XRT and Deployment Platform Installation Procedures on RedHat and CentOS Updated installation steps for 2021.1 update.
XRT and Deployment Package Installation Procedures on Ubuntu Updated installation steps for 2021.1 update.
Card Bring-Up and Validation

Updated to address xbmgmt examine comment. xbmgmt partition and xbmgmt flash commands removed.

Environment Setup Added topic using content previously located in the Card Bring-up and Validation topic.
Confirm Firmware Installation for DFX-1RP Platforms Added sections.
Confirm Firmware Installation for DFX-2RP Platforms
Card Validation
Running xbmgmt flash --scan Removed sections.
Running xbmgmt partition
xbutil validate
Appendix A: Changing XRT and Target Platform Versions Removed sections.
Appendix B: Creating a Vault Repository for CentOS
Appendix C: Reverting the Card to Factory Image
Appendix D: Obtaining xbmgmt Command Options
Programming the Shell Partition for DFX-2RP Platforms Added section.
04/07/2021 Version 1.9
Introduction Added information related to the DFX platforms.
Card Features Added configuration options.
Troubleshooting Updated information.
Known Issues Removed section.
Reverting the Card to Factory Image Clarified description.
02/05/2021 Version 1.8
General Updated example output logs to reflect Alveo U250-2RP platform.
Introduction Updated platform information and introduced DFX terminology.
XRT and Deployment Platform Installation Procedures on RedHat and CentOS Updated installation steps, as well as added an additional step to program the shell partition.
XRT and Deployment Package Installation Procedures on Ubuntu Updated installation steps, as well as added an additional step to program the shell partition.
Creating a Vault Repository for CentOS Clarified description.
11/24/2020 Version 1.7
Introduction Updated platform information.
Card Features Added network interface information, updated electrical design power, as well as HBM and DDR4.
Minimum System Requirements Updated operating system.
Card Interfaces and Details Clarified description.
XRT and Deployment Platform Installation Procedures on RedHat and CentOS Updated installation steps for the Alveo U200 and U250 cards.
XRT and Deployment Package Installation Procedures on Ubuntu
Running lspci Updated output log.
Running xbmgmt flash --scan Updated description.
Running xbmgmt partition Added section.
xbutil validate Updated description and removed note about XRT installation on Ubuntu.
Upgrade Updated to reflect 2020.2 XRT.
Upgrade from 2018.2 to 2018.3 in RedHat and CentOS Removed sections.
Downgrade from 2018.3 to 2018.2 in RedHat and CentOS
Upgrade from 2018.x to 2019.1 in RedHat and CentOS
Downgrade from 2019.1 to 2018.x in RedHat and CentOS
Upgrade from 2018.2 to 2018.3 in Ubuntu
Downgrade from 2018.3 to 2018.2 in Ubuntu
Upgrade from 2018.x to 2019.1 in Ubuntu
Downgrade from 2019.1 to 2018.x in Ubuntu
Generating the xbmgmt flash --update Command
Reverting the Card to Factory Image Clarified description.
Obtaining xbmgmt Command Options Added appendix.
08/18/2020 Version 1.6
Card Features Updated information.
XRT and Deployment Package Installation Procedures on Ubuntu Added a link to Xilinx Answer Record 75294.
xbutil validate Added a note about installing XRT on Ubuntu.
Regulatory and Compliance Information Added appendix.
06/03/2020 Version 1.5
Introduction Updated the information.
Card Features Added new section.
xbutil validate Updated information about specifying -d.
12/18/2019 Version 1.4
XRT and Deployment Package Installation Procedures on Ubuntu Added a note about XRT installation.
Troubleshooting Updated information about installing packages on RedHat and CentOS.
Known Issues Added a known issue.
10/31/2019 Version 2019.2

Updated to the Vitis™ unified software platform throughout.

Updated outputs throughout document.

Qualified Servers Provided the web link to the qualified servers.
Installing the Deployment Software Replaced xbutil command with the new xbmgmt command for card flashing. Updated output logs.
Known Issues Added a known issue.
XRT and Deployment Platform Installation Procedures on RedHat and CentOS Replaced xbutil command with the new xbmgmt command for card flashing. Updated output logs.
XRT and Deployment Package Installation Procedures on Ubuntu
Running xbmgmt --scan Replaced xbutil command with the new xbmgmt command when scanning card. Updated output logs.
Changing XRT and Target Platform Versions Replaced xbutil command with the new xbmgmt command for card flashing. Updated output logs.
Reverting the Card to Factory Image Added new appendix.
07/23/2019 Version 2019.1
Upgrade from 2018.x to 2019.1 in RedHat and CentOS Corrected answer record links
Upgrade from 2018.2 to 2018.3 in RedHat and CentOS
Upgrade from 2018.2 to 2018.3 in Ubuntu
Downgrade from 2018.3 to 2018.2 in Ubuntu
Upgrade from 2018.x to 2019.1 in Ubuntu
Downgrade from 2018.3 to 2018.2 in RedHat and CentOS
06/27/2019 Version 2019.1
Qualified Servers Updated server requirements.
06/24/2019 Version 2019.1
General Added support for Alveo U280 production card.
Changing XRT and Target Platform Versions Updated upgrade and downgrade steps.
06/05/2019 Version 2019.1
General Updated outputs throughout document.
Qualified Servers Updated table of validated servers.
Card Interfaces and Details Added information on status LEDs.
Installing the Card Added image of an installed Alveo card.
Installing the Deployment Software Updated installation, upgrade, and downgrade flows for 2019.1 release.
Next Steps Added information on additional development resources.
Troubleshooting Updated troubleshooting and known issues.
02/12/2019 Version 1.3
General Added support for Alveo U280 ES card.
Modifying the Installation on RedHat and CentOS, Modifying the Installation on Ubuntu Updated instructions on upgrading and downgrading XRT and the deployment shell.
Generating the xbmgmt flash --update Command Updated instructions.
01/23/2019 Version 1.2
XRT and Deployment Platform Installation Procedures on RedHat and CentOS, XRT and Deployment Package Installation Procedures on Ubuntu Updated instructions on running xbutil flash.
Generating the xbmgmt flash --update Command Added new information on how to generate the options needed to run xbutil flash.
12/21/2018 Version 1.1
Minimum System Requirements Updated system requirements.
XRT and Deployment Platform Installation Procedures on RedHat and CentOS Updated installation flow.
Modifying the Installation on RedHat and CentOS Added new information on upgrading and downgrading deployment software.
Modifying the Installation on Ubuntu Added new information on upgrading and downgrading deployment software.
Known Issues Updated known issues.
Creating a Vault Repository for CentOS Added new appendix.
10/02/2018 Version 1.0
Initial Xilinx release. N/A