Confirm Firmware Installation for DFX-1RP Platforms - 2.3 English - UG1301

Getting Started with Alveo Data Center Accelerator Cards User Guide (UG1301)

Document ID
Release Date
2.3 English

When a card has successfully been installed and the firmware has been updated, both entries for Platform and SC version installed on the card and the system must match. If they do not match, the system will be unable to correctly run applications on your card.

To confirm your card is setup correctly to run applications, run the following command and visually compare the 'Platform' and 'SC Version' entries under Flashable partitions running on FPGA and Flashable partitions installed in system and confirm they match. See Displaying Card BDF Values to obtain the device management BDF.
$ sudo /opt/xilinx/xrt/bin/xbmgmt examine --device <management BDF>

In the following example output, the platform (xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_base_1) and SC Version (4.6.18) displayed under Flashable partitions running on FPGA and Flashable partitions installed in system both match.

1/1 [0000:82:00.0] : xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_base_1
Flash properties
  Type                 : spi
  Serial Number        : 2130048BF01P

Device properties
  Type                 : u200
  Name                 : AU200P64G
  Config Mode          : 7
  Max Power            : 225W

Flashable partitions running on FPGA
  Platform             : xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_base_1
  SC Version           : 4.6.18
  Platform UUID        : A2D4F3CF-5B7A-0B7B-70F9-DA589CB5B3CD
  Interface UUID       : 15FB8DA1-F552-A9F9-23DE-6DC54AA8968F

Flashable partitions installed in system
  Platform             : xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_base_1
  SC Version           : 4.6.18
  Platform UUID        : A2D4F3CF-5B7A-0B7B-70F9-DA589CB5B3CD

  Mac Address          : 00:0A:35:05:EB:58
                       : 00:0A:35:05:EB:59
                       : 00:0A:35:05:EB:5A
                       : 00:0A:35:05:EB:5B
If the SC version does not match under Flashable partitions running on FPGA and Flashable partitions installed in system, the SC will need to be flashed. See SC versions do not match to update the SC version on the card.