Launch the Vitis Unified IDE with any of the actions below:
From the Vivado IDE, select Tools → Launch Vitis IDE.
On Windows, launch the Vitis IDE by using the desktop shortcut or Windows start menu → Xilinx Design Suite → Vitis 2023.2.
On Linux, run
source <Vitis Installation Directory>/
to set up the environment and runvitis &
Select Open Workspace and give the location as C:/edt/edt_zc702_workspace or any given location path.
Unlike Vitis Classic IDE, the platform is not generated automatically. You need to do this manually.
Click File → New Component → Platform. Enter the platform project name as zc702_edt, as shown in following figure. Click Next.
Platform Name
In the Select Platform Creation Flow page, Select Hardware Design and click browse to specify the XSA file
, and click OK.When the XSA file is selected, the System Device Tree (SDT) is generated, and the metadata here is used to populate the processor list. Once the SDT is created, choose standalone and the processor is ps7_cortexa9_0.
Keep the Generate boot Artifacts option selected, as shown in the following figure.
Select XSA
Click Finish.
The platform project is created. In the Vitis Components view, double-click zc702_edt → platform.spr to view the platform view as shown in the following figure.
In the Vitis Components view, expand zc702_edt → Settings → vitis-comp.json.
You can select the Hardware Specification link to see the the address map for the entire processing system.
Build the platform by highlighting the platfom in Vitis Components view, and under FLOW, clicking the hammer button as shown in following figure.
Build Project
As the project builds, you can see the output in the Console window.
The build process takes some time because it is not only building the standalone BSP, but also boot components such as FSBL.