Miscellaneous Options - 2024.2 English - UG1076

AI Engine Tools and Flows User Guide (UG1076)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English
Above this specified threshold, a FIFO is implemented as a DMA FIFO in an AI Engine application, and generates an error in an AI Engine-ML application. To avoid an error message in AI Engine-ML, you can increase the threshold but this requires additional resources to route the design.

This option analyzes re-convergent data paths. Data might be sent on multiple paths and sometimes they can re-converge which can result in a deadlock. Such deadlocks can be resolved by adding FIFOs to the appropriate data paths.

The steps for evaluating and resolving deadlocks as a result of re-convergent data paths is as follows:

  1. Compile the design with this option.
  2. Run aiesimulator on the design.
  3. Open Vitis Unified IDE with the simulation run_summary
  4. Note the FIFO depth displayed in theEstimated FIFO column in the Nets table. This FIFO depth value is the recommended value (in 32-bit words) to be used with the fifo_depth(net) constraint on a specific net connection in the graph to resolve the deadlock situation.
  5. Apply the recommended FIFO depth value using the fifo_depth constraint on specified nets on the graph, and recompile the design. In AI Engine-ML if the recommendation is above the current fifo depth threshold, you might have to increase it using the --swfifi-threshold option.

Disable multirate in ADF graphs. Accepted values are true and false. The default is false.

This option disables initialization of window buffers in AI Engine data memory. This option enables faster loading of the binary images into the SystemC-RTL co-simulation framework. Accepted values are true and false. The default is false.
By default, the AI Engine compiler produces DOT and PNG files to visualize the user-specified graph and its partitioning onto the AI Engines. This option can be used to eliminate the dot graph output. Accepted values are true and false. The default is false.