Migrating Command-line Projects to Vitis Unified IDE - 2024.1 English

AI Engine Tools and Flows User Guide (UG1076)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.1 English

In the AI Engine application development flow, it is common to build and simulate the AI Engine graph application using the command-line (Makefile or config file-based approach). However, to debug and analyze the results, it is seamless to use the AMD Vitis™ IDE. The AMD Vitis™ Unified IDE provides a user managed flow to directly consume the pre-compiled results from the command-line to the IDE for debug and analysis. This section provides a methodology to port your AI Engine graph application from command line interface to the Vitis Unified IDE.

Below are the steps to port your command-line project to the Vitis Unified IDE.

  1. Open the Vitis Unified IDE, and select Open Workspace. Browse to the directory where the AI Engine graph application is built.

    At this stage, the Vitis Unified IDE identifies no IDE managed components and provides options either to create components from scratch or switch to user managed mode.

  2. Click Open Explorer View.

  3. The directory view opens. Highlighted are some output directories that are available after AI Engine compilation and simulation.

  4. In the Vitis Unified IDE, you can cross probe between microcode and the source code from the Analysis view, debug AI Engine code, and re-build the AI Engine graph.
  5. From the AI Engine compile output Work/ directory which is generated using the command line flow, you can cross probe between the lines in the microcode (marked with a blue dot) and the source code, as highlighted below.

  6. When you switch to the Analysis view, all the summary files in that workspace can be viewed for easy analysis.
  7. You can debug the AI Engine code in the user managed mode by creating a launch configuration.
    1. Right-click in the Explorer view.
    2. Select Edit launch configuration and add New launch configuration.
    3. In the Create Launch Configuration window, specify the Build Directory that contains the AI Engine compile summary files, and click Submit.
    4. Fill the launch configuration name, and enable the trace and profile settings, if necessary.

  8. When you click on the debug button, you should be able to set the break points in the source code, step over, and observe the values in the register and memory inspector.