IP Facts - 3.0 English - PG398

Versal Adaptive SoC GT Controller for DisplayPort and SDI LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG398)

Document ID
Release Date
3.0 English
AMD LogiCORE™ IP Facts Table
Core Specifics
Supported Device Family 1 AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC (GTYE5 and GTYP)
Supported User Interfaces AXI4-Stream
Provided with Core
Design Files RTL
Example Design Provided with the SDI and DisplayPort IP cores
Test Bench Not provided
Constraints File N/A
Simulation Model N/A
Supported S/W Driver N/A
Tested Design Flows 2
Design Entry AMD Vivado™ Design Suite
Simulation For supported simulators, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Release Notes, Installation, and Licensing (UG973)
Synthesis Vivado Synthesis
All Vivado IP Change Logs Master Vivado IP Change Logs: 72775
Support web page
  1. For a complete list of supported devices, see the AMD Vivado™ IP catalog.
  2. For the supported versions of third-party tools, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Release Notes, Installation, and Licensing (UG973).
  3. See the SDI and DisplayPort documentation in References.