xdfe_nr_prach_v2_0_calc_freq_config - 2.0 English

RFSoC DFE PRACH LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG391)

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2.0 English

Helper function which calculated the phase increment settings based on the RACH configuration.

Table 1. Arguments
Argument Name Type Description
rach_config xdfe_nr_prach_v2_0_rach_config* RACH configuration, provides the CC, RCID and NCO settings.
rcid_config xip_int RCID config number - tells the function which RCID it should calculate the NCO settings for.
Table 2. Returns
Type Description
xdfe_nr_prach_v2_0_phase_inc NCO phase increment settings calculated for the selected RCID, based on the RACH configuration.