XDfePrach_UpdateRCinRCCfgMB - 2.0 English

RFSoC DFE PRACH LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG391)

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Release Date
2.0 English

Updates an RC entry to the RC_CONFIGURATION on a selected band.

Note: This API must be executed only after all CC configuration are done with the API XDfePrach_AddCCtoCCCfg and XDfePrach_UpdateCCinCCCfg.


void XDfePrach_UpdateRCinRCCfgMB(const XDfePrach *InstancePtr, XDfePrach_RCCfg *CurrentRCCfg, s32 CCID, u32 RCId, u32 RachChan, XDfePrach_DDCCfg *DdcCfg, XDfePrach_NCO *NcoCfg, XDfePrach_Schedule *StaticSchedule, XDfePrach_CCCfg *NextCCCfg, u32 BandId);


The following table lists the XDfePrach_UpdateRCinRCCfgMB function arguments.

Table 1. XDfePrach_UpdateRCinRCCfgMB Arguments
Type Member Description
const XDfePrach * InstancePtr Pointer to the PRACH instance.
XDfePrach_RCCfg * CurrentRCCfg Current RACH configuration container.
s32 CCID CC Id [0-15].
u32 RCId RC Id [0-15].
u32 RachChan RACH channel [0-15].
XDfePrach_DDCCfg * DdcCfg DDC data container.
XDfePrach_NCO * NcoCfg NCO data container.
XDfePrach_Schedule * StaticSchedule Schedule data container (ignore it if module parameter HAS_CONTINUOUS_SCHED == 1)
XDfePrach_CCCfg * NextCCCfg CC configuration container.
u32 BandId Band id.
