XDfePrach_InternalCarrierCfg - 2.0 English

RFSoC DFE PRACH LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG391)

Document ID
Release Date
2.0 English
Internal Configuration for a single CC.


typedef struct
  u32 Enable;
  u32 SCS;
  u32 CCRate;
} XDfePrach_InternalCarrierCfg;
Table 1. Structure XDfePrach_InternalCarrierCfg Member Description
Member Description
Enable [0,1] Enable/Disable CC while still reserving its slot in the TDM - set by helper functions when building the configuration.
SCS [0-4] Array of SCS values, one for each CCID number (different index from the location that the sequence is mapped to).

Sub carrier Spacing for each CC - required to determine Slot boundaries:

  • 0: 15KHz spacing
  • 1: 30KHz spacing
  • 2: 60KHz spacing
  • 3: 120KHz spacing
  • 4: 240KHz spacing
CCRate [0-3] Array of Sample rate values values, one for each CCID number.

The sample rate for the CC:

  • 0: 30.72Ms/s, implies 1x decimation to get to 30.72Ms/s)
  • 1: 61.44MS/s, implies 2x decimation to get to 30.72Ms/s)
  • 2: 122.88MS/s, implies 4x decimation to get to 30.72Ms/s)
  • 3: 245.76MS/s, implies 8x decimation to get to 30.72Ms/s) This is also the Decimation rate required to decimate the CC down to 30.72Ms/s