Running the Example Design - 2.0 English

RFSoC DFE PRACH LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG391)

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2.0 English

After the example design project has been created, the output products and HDL wrapper are automatically generated. All example design parameters are inherited from the core instance from which the example design was generated and should not be modified.

The QEMU emulator software requires an ELF binary executable file to be specified for operation. The DFE PRACH example design includes an example software program which makes use of the core's software driver and demonstrates the use of the API functions to configure and control the core. This program reads the configuration of the core and adapts its operation based on the parameters. The example software is provided both as source code and as a pre-compiled ELF file for use with QEMU. Use the scripts provided to launch QEMU.

To run the simulation, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure the current working directory of the Vivado Tcl console is the imports directory within the base project directory using the cd [get_property DIRECTORY [current_project]]/imports command.
  2. To launch QEMU using the default configuration-agnostic ELF file that ships with the example design, use the source run_qemu_default.tcl command.
  3. To run the simulation, select SIMULATION > Run Simulation > Run Behavioral Simulation from the Vivado Flow Navigator panel. A set of waveform signals are loaded automatically to give visibility of activity on the AXI4-Lite and AXI4-Stream interfaces of the core.
  4. Click Run All to run the simulation. The sequence of events in the example design simulation is described below.
Note: To re-run the simulation, the simulation window must be closed to end the current QEMU processes. QEMU must then be re-started and the simulation run as described above. It is not possible to use the Restart operation within the simulator directly. Should the simulation terminate unnaturally, the QEMU process may not automatically terminate. In this case, manually terminate QEMU before attempting to start a new simulation.