The data input, data output, and control input interfaces all use a standard AXI4-Stream handshake interface to control the transfer of data and control words.
You must write a control word on the control packet interface to
determine the parameters for each input data block. The core contains a small control
FIFO buffer with 16 entries so that control words can be written before the start of the
corresponding data blocks if required. When the control buffer is full, the core will
drive s_axis_ctrl_tready
Low to indicate that no
further control words can be accepted.
When the DFE FFT core is generated with support for multiple channels, configuration and control parameters such as block size and transfer direction are common across all channels.
The core accepts a new data sample on any cycle on which s_axis_din_tready
and s_axis_din_tvalid
are both High. If new input data is not available on a
given clock cycle, it is possible to pause the input operation by driving s_axis_din_tvalid
Low for one or more clock cycles.
However, be aware that doing this midway through an input block will stall the whole FFT
processing pipeline, including any ongoing output operation, if the number of pause
cycles inserted exceeds the capacity of the input data FIFO buffer (which is 16).
The core drives s_axis_din_tready
immediately after reset is released. Under normal circumstances, it will remain High
while the core is operational. It will only be driven Low when the input data buffer is
full. This can happen for three reasons:
- If the output back-pressure option is enabled, holding
Low while continuing to feed samples into the data input interface will cause FFT output to stall and the input buffer to fill. - Providing input sample data without a corresponding control word will cause the input buffer to fill while the core awaits control information before it can start a new FFT operation.
- The internal FFT primitive does not start to accept data immediately after reset is deasserted. Providing data during the first 44 cycles after reset, before the FFT primitive is fully initialized, will cause the input buffer to fill.
Once the core has processed a block and is producing output data, it
drives m_axis_dout_tvalid
High for the output block
duration. If the optional output flow-control feature is enabled, the output operation
can be stalled by driving m_axis_dout_tready
Low for
one or more cycles during the output block. However, be aware that doing so will stall
the whole FFT processing pipeline, including any ongoing input operation, if the number
of pause cycles inserted exceeds the capacity of the input data buffer. If the optional
output flow-control feature is disabled, data output will be continuous from the core
for the duration of the block.
An example timing diagram illustrating the DFE FFT interfaces is shown below.
The first part of the diagram shows the start of the input transfer for FFT block A. Because the control word is provided on the same cycle as the first data sample, processing can start immediately. On the last word of block A, the TLAST signal is driven high. The input transfer for block B starts on the following cycle. The control word for FFT block B was provided two cycles earlier than is strictly required to maintain 100% throughput.
The last part of the diagram shows the output transfer. For clarity, the bit-reversed address numbering on the TUSER output is not shown. The core drives the output TLAST signal high along with the final output sample of block A. Because blocks A and B were input consecutively with no gap between them, the output transfers are also back to back. The tabulated latency for the core is from the start of the input block to the end of the corresponding output block as shown.