Data Interface Ports - 1.0 English - PG390

RFSoC DFE Fast Fourier Transform LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG390)

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1.0 English
Table 1. Data Input Ports
Port Name I/O Clock Description
s_axis_din_tdata[32N-1:0] I s_axis_aclk Input data for FFT/iFFT processing. Consists of N 32-bit samples (16-bit I + 16-bit Q), where N is the number of parallel FFT operations configured.
s_axis_din_tvalid I s_axis_aclk 'Valid' handshake signal for the data input channel. The upstream logic uses this to signal that it is providing data.
s_axis_din_tready O s_axis_aclk 'Ready' handshake signal for the data input channel. The core uses this to signal that it is accepting data.
s_axis_din_tlast I s_axis_aclk 'Last' framing signal for the data input channel. Must be asserted by the upstream logic on the last sample of each block. The core uses this signal to maintain the correct association between data blocks and the corresponding control packets. If TLAST is not asserted when expected or is asserted unexpectedly, the core generates event pulses to indicate that its expectations were violated.
Table 2. Data Output Ports
Port Name I/O Clock Description
m_axis_dout_tdata[64N-1:0] O s_axis_aclk Output data for FFT/iFFT processing. Consists of N 64-bit samples (32-bit I + 32-bit Q), where N is the number of parallel FFT operations configured. The actual number of significant bits per I and Q sample is equal to 17 + log2(N) where N is the point size of the transform. When the point size is less than 4096, samples are sign-extended to 29 bits. The three unused MSBs of each I and Q sample are always padded with 0.
m_axis_dout_tvalid O s_axis_aclk 'Valid' handshake signal for the data output channel. The core uses this to signal that it is providing data.
m_axis_dout_tready I s_axis_aclk 'Ready' handshake signal for the data output channel. The upstream logic uses this to signal that it can accept data. This is an optional feature.
m_axis_dout_tlast O s_axis_aclk 'Last' framing signal for the data output channel. Asserted by the core on the last sample of each block.
m_axis_dout_tuser[15:0] O s_axis_aclk Carries the index of the current sample(s) on m_axis_dout_data. Samples are produced in bit-reversed address order.