m_axis_dout_tdata[64N-1:0] |
O |
s_axis_aclk |
Output data for FFT/iFFT processing. Consists of N 64-bit
samples (32-bit I + 32-bit Q), where N is the number of parallel FFT operations
configured. The actual number of significant bits per I and Q sample is equal to 17
+ log2(N) where N is the point size of the transform.
When the point size is less than 4096, samples are sign-extended to 29 bits. The
three unused MSBs of each I and Q sample are always padded with 0. |
m_axis_dout_tvalid |
O |
s_axis_aclk |
'Valid' handshake signal for the data output channel. The core
uses this to signal that it is providing data. |
m_axis_dout_tready |
I |
s_axis_aclk |
'Ready' handshake signal for the data output channel. The
upstream logic uses this to signal that it can accept data. This is an optional
feature. |
m_axis_dout_tlast |
O |
s_axis_aclk |
'Last' framing signal for the data output channel. Asserted by the core on the
last sample of each block. |
m_axis_dout_tuser[15:0] |
O |
s_axis_aclk |
Carries the index of the current sample(s) on m_axis_dout_data.
Samples are produced in bit-reversed address order. |