This interrupt is triggered every time FRL Training state for rate change is successfully executed.
The callback function must perform the following steps:
- Update the application to configure the clock for the RX source.
- Enable the differential input clock buffer.
void XHdmiphy1_IBufDsEnable(XHdmiphy1 *InstancePtr, u8 QuadId, XHdmiphy1_DirectionType Dir, u8 Enable)
- Configure the PHY GT for HDMI 2.1 operation.
u32 XHdmiphy1_Hdmi21Config(XHdmiphy1 *InstancePtr, u8 QuadId, XHdmiphy1_DirectionType Dir, u64 LineRate, u8 NChannels)
- InstancePtr is a pointer to the XVphy core instance.
- QuadId is the GT quad ID to operate on.
- Dir is an indicator for TX or RX.
Note: QuadId is not used and should be set to 0.
4. Set the video clock for the RX core FRL peripheral to 0.
XV_HdmiRx1_SetFrlVidClock(InstancePtr, Value)