The HDMI 2.1 RX Subsystem is compliant with the AXI4-Stream Video Protocol, AXI4-Lite interconnect, and memory mapped AXI4 interface standards. See the Vivado Design Suite: AXI Reference Guide (UG1037) and the AXI4-Stream Video IP and System Design Guide (UG934) for additional information. Also, see the HDMI specifications.
The HDMI 2.1 RX Subsystem is designed to be compliant with the HDMI 2.1 specification.
The AMD HDCP 1.4 is designed to be compliant with the High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection system Revision 1.4.
The AMD HDCP 2.3 is designed to be compliant with the HDCP 2.3 specification entitled High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection, Mapping HDCP to HDMI, Revision 2.3, issued by Digital Content Protection (DCP) LLC.