Completions with Successful Completion Status - 1.0 English - PG343

Versal Adaptive SoC Integrated Block for PCI Express LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG343)

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1.0 English

The user application must return a Completion to the CC interface of the core for every Non-Posted request it receives from the completer request interface. When the request completes with no errors, the user application must return a Completion with Successful Completion (SC) status. Such a Completion might or might not contain a payload, depending on the type of request. Furthermore, the data associated with the request can be broken up into multiple Split Completions when the size of the data block exceeds the maximum payload size configured. The user logic is responsible for splitting the data block into multiple Split Completions when needed. The user application must transfer each Split Completion over the completer completion interface as a separate AXI4-Stream packet, with its own 12-byte descriptor.

In the example timing diagrams of this section, the starting Dword address of the data block being transferred (as conveyed in bits [6:2] of the Lower Address field of the descriptor) is assumed to be (m × 8 + 1), for an integer m. The size of the data block is assumed to be n Dwords, for some n = k × 32 + 28, k > 0.

The CC interface supports two data alignment modes: Dword-aligned and address-aligned. The following timing diagrams illustrate the Dword-aligned transfer of a Completion from the user application across the CC interface, when the interface width is configured as 64, 128, and 256 bits, respectively. In this case, the first Dword of the payload starts immediately after the descriptor. When the data block is not a multiple of four bytes, or when the start of the payload is not aligned on a Dword address boundary, the user application must add null bytes to align the start of the payload on a Dword boundary and make the payload a multiple of Dwords. For example, when the data block starts at byte address 7 and has a size of 3 bytes, the user application must add three null bytes before the first byte and two null bytes at the end of the block to make it two Dwords long. Also, in the case of non-contiguous reads, not all bytes in the data block returned are valid. In that case, the user application must return the valid bytes in the proper positions, with null bytes added in gaps between valid bytes, when needed. The interface does not have any signals to indicate the valid bytes in the payload. This is not required, as the requester is responsible for keeping track of the byte enables in the request and discarding invalid bytes from the Completion.

In the Dword-aligned mode, the transfer starts with the 12 descriptor bytes, followed immediately by the payload bytes. The user application must keep the s_axis_cc_tvalid signal asserted over the duration of the packet. The integrated block treats the deassertion of s_axis_cc_tvalid during the packet transfer as an error, and nullifies the corresponding Completion TLP transmitted on the link to avoid data corruption.

The user application must also assert the s_axis_cc_tlast signal in the last beat of the packet. The integrated block can deassert s_axis_cc_tready in any cycle if it is not ready to accept data. The user application must not change the values on the CC interface during a clock cycle that the integrated block has deasserted s_axis_cc_tready.

Figure 1. Transfer of a Normal Completion on the Completer Completion Interface (Dword-Aligned Mode, 64-Bit Interface)
Figure 2. Transfer of a Normal Completion on the Completer Completion Interface (Dword-Aligned Mode, 128-Bit Interface)
Figure 3. Transfer of a Normal Completion on the Completer Completion Interface (Dword-Aligned Mode, 256-Bit Interface)

In the address-aligned mode, the delivery of the payload always starts in the beat following the last byte of the descriptor. For memory read Completions, the first byte of the payload can appear on any byte lane, based on the address of the first valid byte of the payload. For all other Completions, the payload must start in byte lane 0.

The following timing diagrams illustrate the address-aligned transfer of a memory read Completion across the completer completion interface, when the interface width is configured as 64, 128, and 256 bits, respectively. For the purpose of illustration, the starting Dword address of the data block being transferred (as conveyed in bits [6:2] of the Lower Address field of the descriptor) is assumed to be (m × 8 +1), for some integer m. The size of the data block is assumed to be n Dwords, for some n = k × 32 + 28, k > 0.

Figure 4. Transfer of a Normal Completion on the Completer Completion Interface (Address-Aligned Mode, 64-Bit Interface)
Figure 5. Transfer of a Normal Completion on the Completer Completion Interface (Address-Aligned Mode, 128-Bit Interface)
Figure 6. Transfer of a Normal Completion on the Completer Completion Interface (Address-Aligned Mode, 256-Bit Interface)