Port Name | I/O | Description |
core_clk | I | Core clock |
core_rstn | I | Active-Low reset for core_clk |
nvme_tc_intr | O | Interrupt |
sw_s_axi_lite_aclk | I | AXI4-Lite clock |
sw_s_axi_lite_aresetn | I | Active-Low reset for sw_s_axi_lite_aclk |
pcie_link_up | I | Active-High identifies that the PCI Express core is linked up with a host device |
pcie_phy_ready | I | Phy ready out status |
soft_reset_n | O | Soft reset (active-Low). Use this port to assert reset and reset the DMA logic in QDMA. This only resets the DMA logic. |