Port Name | I/O | Description |
o_c2h_byp_out_sim_addr[63:0] | O | The C2H descriptor fetched from the host. 64-bit address where DMA writes data. |
o_c2h_byp_out_sim_vld | O | Valid |
i_c2h_byp_out_sim_rdy | I | Ready |
o_c2h_byp_out_sim_qid[10:0] | O | Queue ID |
o_c2h_byp_out_sim_port_id[2:0] | O | Port ID |
o_c2h_byp_out_sim_error | O | Indicates that an error was encountered in the descriptor fetch or execution of a previous descriptor. |
o_c2h_byp_out_sim_func[7:0] | O | PCIe function ID |