Test ELF Creation - 3.0 English - PG314

Versal Devices Integrated 100G Multirate Ethernet MAC Subsystem Product Guide (PG314)

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3.0 English
  1. Select Tools > Launch Vitis IDE to create an application using the AMD Vitis™ Unified IDE.
  2. Select Open Workspace. Provide a workspace path to create the application. After the set up, the Vitis window is launched.

  3. Select File > New Component > Platform to create a platform for the application.
  4. Enter the platform component name (for example, platform) and click Next.
  5. Browse the exported hardware file (.xsa) path.
  6. Click Next > Next > Finish. The platform for the application is created.
  7. Click File > New Component > From Examples.
  8. Click Empty Application.
  9. Enter the application component name (for example, mrmac_test) and click Next.
  10. Select the platform created earlier and click Next.
  11. Select the standalone_psv_cortexa72_0 and click Next.
  12. Add a C file to the application. Right-click Import and select Files…
  13. Specify the File path: <file_path>../mrmac_0_ex/mrmac_0_ex.gen/sources_1/bd/mrmac_0_exdes_support/ip/mrmac_0_exdes_support_mrmac_0_core_0/sample_c_files/ and select mrmac_exdes_test.c
  14. Click Build to create the project.
  15. An .elf file is generated in the Output folder.