Basic NoC read and write transactions are shown in the following figures. A typical transaction can be summarized as follows:
- An AXI master sends read/write requests to a connected NoC access point (NMU).
- A PL AXI master should enable traffic only when all of the PL AXI slaves it communicates with are out of reset.
- The NMU relays the requests through a set of NoC packet switches (NPSs) before the requests reach a destination (NoC slave unit NSU or output port).
- The NSU passes the received requests to the attached AXI slave for processing.
- While processing the requests, the AXI slave sends read/write responses back to the attached NSU.
- The NSU relays the responses through the NPS network to the NMU from which the requests originated. From here, the responses are communicated to the AXI master.