UltraScale+™ MPSoC, the
processor SMMU performs address translation based on a System Management ID tag (SMID).
See the
UltraScale+ Device Technical Reference Manual (UG1085). The SMID identifies
the master device that is accessing one of the slave devices in the processor block via
the SMMU. SMID values are normally communicated among masters and slaves within the
Processing System hard-block. AXI interfaces of the fabric IP do not natively
communicate SMID information. However, SMID values can be transported across the fabric
as sideband information as part of the AXI awuser
signal. You can connect the AXI Sideband Formatter
Utility IP
core along AXI pathways in the fabric to insert
and extract SMID values so that fabric masters can take advantage of SMMU address
translation when accessing PS block slaves.
For each fabric master that accesses the PS block, you can insert an AXI Sideband Formatter
Utility IP
core between the master's AXI interface and the
fabric interconnect. You then configure the IP to insert an SMID value for that master
into the AXI awuser
or aruser
signal. You can connect another AXI Sideband Formatter IP core
between the fabric interconnect and one of the AXI fabric slave interfaces of the
Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Processing System core.
You then configure this slave-side IP to extract the SMID value and pass it to the PS
block in the format expected by the SMMU.