FEC Interface - 3.1 English

DisplayPort 1.4 RX Subsystem Product Guide (PG300)

Document ID
Release Date
3.1 English

This interface is enabled when either FEC or DSC is selected.

Table 1. DisplayPort 1.4 RX Subsystem FEC Interface
Port Name I/O Description
fec_rx_data_out[63:0] I FEC decoded data output from thr external FEC decoder and input to the subsystem, corresponding to all lanes. Lower significant 16-bits correspond to lane-0, and most significant 16-bits correspond to lane-3.
fec_rx_data_k_out[7:0] I Indicates whether the corresponding byte of fec_rx_data_out is a K-char. Bit[0] corresponds to fec_rx_data_out[7:0] and so on.
fec_rx_val_out I Qualifier for fec_rx_data_out and fec_rx_data_k_out signals.
fec_rx_ph_out[7:0] I Each bit indicates whether the corresponding byte in “fec_rx_data_out” is a FEC PH symbol. Bit[0] corresponds to fec_rx_data_out[7:0] and so on.
fec_rx_pm_out[7:0] I Each bit indicates whether the corresponding byte in fec_rx_data_out is a FEC PM symbol. Bit[0] corresponds to fec_rx_data_out[7:0] and so on.
fec_rx_clken O Clock enable to the external FEC decoder.
fec_rx_reset O Active-High reset to external FEC decoder.
fec_rx_valid_in[1:0] O Qualifier for the output data from the subsystem to external FEC decoder. Bit[0] corresponds to lane-0 and lane-1 and bit[1] corresponds to lane-2 and lane-3.
fec_rx_data_in[79:0] O Input 8b10b coded data to external FEC decoder and output from the subsystem. Lower significant 20-bits correspond to lane-0, and the most significant 20-bits correspond to lane-3.
fec_rx_enable_in O Enable signal to the external FEC decoder from the subsystem.
fec_rx_num_lanes[1:0] O

Number of lanes indication to the external FEC decoder.

  • 2’b00 – 1 lane
  • 2’b01 – 2 lanes
  • 2’b10 – 4 lanes