Offset | Access Type | Description |
12'h300 | R/W |
RX_AUDIO_CONTROL. This register enables audio stream packets in main link. [5:4]: MST Audio Stream number. This decides which incoming (from DP source) MST stream's audio stream data is sent as an output on the Audio AXI4-Stream Interface. There is only single audio stream output interface from the subsystem. These bits are not applicable for SST. [3]: Audio Enable for STREAM 4 in MST. N/A for SST [2]: Audio Enable for STREAM 3 in MST. N/A for SST [1]: Audio Enable for STREAM 2 in MST. N/A for SST [0]: Audio Enable for SST. In MST, Audio Enable for STREAM 1 |
12'h304 | RO |
RX_AUDIO_INFO_DATA [31:0] Word formatted as per CEA 861-C Info Frame. Total of eight words should be read. First word
Second word - DB3,DB2,DB1,DB0 .... Eighth word - DB27,DB26,DB25,DB24 The data bytes DB1...DBN of CEA Info frame are mapped as DB0-DBN-1. Info frame data is copied into these registers (read only). |
12'h324 | RO |
RX_AUDIO_MAUD. M value of audio stream as decoded from Audio time stamp packet by the sink (read only). [31:24] - Reserved [23:0] - MAUD |
12'h328 | RO |
RX_AUDIO_NAUD. N value of audio stream as decoded from Audio time stamp packet by the sink (read only). [31:24] - Reserved [23:0] - NAUD |
12'h32C | RO |
RX_AUDIO_STATUS. [9] - Extension Packet Received. Resets automatically after all words (9) are read. Blocks new packet until host reads the data. [8:3] - Reserved [2:1] - RS Decoder Error Counter. Used for debugging purpose. [0] - Info Packet Received. Resets automatically after all info words (eight) are read. Blocks new packet until host reads the data. |
12'h330 to 12'h350 | RO |
RX_SDP_EXT_DATA [31:0] - Word formatted as per extension packet described in protocol standard. Packet length is fixed to 32 bytes in Sink controller. You should convey this information to Source using the vendor fields and ensure proper packet size transmission is done by the Source controller. Total of nine words should be read. Extension packet address space can be used to hold the audio copy management packet/ISRC packet/VSC packets. First word
Second word - DB3,DB2,DB1,DB0 .... Ninth word - DB31,DB30,DB29,DB28 Extension packet data is copied into these registers (read only). This is a key-hole memory. So, nine reads from this address space is required. |