AXI4-Stream DSC Video Interface - 3.1 English - PG299

DisplayPort 1.4 TX Subsystem Product Guide (PG299)

Document ID
Release Date
3.1 English

This interface is enabled when ENABLE_DSC user parameter is enabled.

Table 1. DisplayPort 1.4 TX Subsystem DSC Interface
Port Name I/O Description
s_axis_video_stream1_tdata[191:0] I

Compressed DSC byte stream data to DP TX subsystem.

1-lane - [23:0] bits are valid - {ByteN+2, ByteN+1, ByteN}

2-lane - [47:0] bits are valid - {Byte5, ByteN+4, ByteN+3, ByteN+2, ByteN+1, ByteN}

4-lane - [95:0] bits are valid - {ByteN+11, ByteN+10, ByteN+9, ByteN+8, ByteN+7, ByteN+6, ByteN+5, ByteN+4, ByteN+3, ByteN+2, ByteN+1, ByteN}.

s_axis_video_stream1_tvalid I AXI4-Stream Video valid to DP TX subsystem.
s_axis_video_stream1_tready O AXI4-Stream ready output from DP TX subsystem.
s_axis_video_stream1_tlast I AXI4-Stream end of line (EOL) to DP TX subsystem.
s_axis_video_stream1_tuser I Start of frame (SOF) indication to DP TX subsystem