Note: Follow these steps to generate a Vitis
application if you are generating a KCU116 SMPTE UHD-SDI Audio-Video Loopback Example
Design without AXI4-Lite Interface (Native Video).
- Open Vitis IDE.
- Select Create Platform Project.
- Set the desired project name and select Next.
- Select Create a new platform from hardware (XSA)
- Select the generated XSA from SDI Example Design, and select
- Right click Platform
and select Build Project to build or generate the
- Select
to create a new application project. - Click Next and select the platform named as platform
[custom] and click Next.
- Set the desired application name and click Next.
- In the Domain tab, click Next.
- Select Empty
Application(C) and click Finish.
- Under the created application, right click the src directory and click Import Sources.
- Click Browse. The
application source files can be found in the following Vitis directory: (<install_directory>)/(<release>)/data/embeddedsw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/drivers/v_sdirxss_v3_4/examples/kcu116_xuhdsdi_example.
- Select all the files provided inside the kcu116_xuhdsdi_example directory and click
- Right-click Application and click Build Project to
build or generate the application.