Generating Vitis Application Software for KCU116 SMPTE UHD-SDI Audio-Video Loopback Design Without AXI-Lite - 2.0 English

SMPTE UHD-SDI Receiver Subsystem LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG290)

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2.0 English
Note: Follow these steps to generate a Vitis application if you are generating a KCU116 SMPTE UHD-SDI Audio-Video Loopback Example Design without AXI4-Lite Interface (Native Video).
  1. Open Vitis IDE.
  2. Select Create Platform Project.

  3. Set the desired project name and select Next.

  4. Select Create a new platform from hardware (XSA)
  5. Select the generated XSA from SDI Example Design, and select Finish.

  6. Right click Platform and select Build Project to build or generate the platform.

  7. Select File > New > Application Project to create a new application project.

  8. Click Next and select the platform named as platform [custom] and click Next.

  9. Set the desired application name and click Next.

  10. In the Domain tab, click Next.

  11. Select Empty Application(C) and click Finish.

  12. Under the created application, right click the src directory and click Import Sources.

  13. Click Browse. The application source files can be found in the following Vitis directory: (<install_directory>)/(<release>)/data/embeddedsw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/drivers/v_sdirxss_v3_4/examples/kcu116_xuhdsdi_example.

  14. Select all the files provided inside the kcu116_xuhdsdi_example directory and click Finish.

  15. Right-click Application and click Build Project to build or generate the application.