Build Software Application Using Unified Vitis IDE - 2.0 English - PG289

SMPTE UHD- Transmitter Subsystem LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG289)

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2.0 English
  1. Open Unified Vitis IDE.
  2. Select Create Platform Component under Embedded Development to create a new platform component.
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  3. Set the desired component name and location to create the platform component, then click Next.
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  4. Select the Hardware Design option and click on Browse to navigate the XSA file from the design, then click Next.
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  5. Click Next.
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  6. Click Finish.
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  7. To build/generate the platform, click on Build.
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  8. Click on Board Support Package under standalone.
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  9. Click on drivers.
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  10. In Drivers, find v_smpte_uhdsdi_tx_ss and select Import Examples.
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  11. Select the Application xuhdsdi_picxo_example for ZCU106 Passthrough with PICXO Example Design and click OK.
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  12. Build the Application.
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The Example Application will be built and a .elf file is ready to use.