AXI4-Stream Signal Names and Descriptions - 1.1 English

Sensor Demosaic LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG286)

Document ID
Release Date
1.1 English

The following table describes the AXI4-Stream signal names and descriptions.

Important: In the following table, TotalDataWidth=data_width*number_of_components*samples_per_clock. The three values correspond to Maximum Data Width, Number of Video Components, and Samples Per Clock in the IDE respectively. Refer to Design Flow Steps for more information.
Table 1. AXI4-Stream Data Interface Signal Descriptions
Signal Name Direction Width Description
s_axis_video_tdata I (data_width * samples_per_clock +7) /8*8 Input Video Data
s_axis_video_tvalid I 1 Input Video Valid Signal
s_axis_video_tready O 1 Input Ready
s_axis_video_tuser I 1 Input Video Start Of Frame
s_axis_video_tlast I 1 Input Video End Of Line
s_axi_video_tstrb I s_axis_video tdata/8 Input video data strobe indicates whether the content of the associated byte of TDATA is processed as a data byte or a position byte
s_axi_video_tkeep I s_axis_video tdata/8 Input video byte qualifier that indicates whether the content of the associated byte of TDATA is processed as part of the data stream
s_axi_video_tid I 1 Input video data stream identifier
s_axi_video_tdest I 1 Input video data routing information
m_axis_video_tdata O (TotalDataWidth+7)/8*8 Output Video Data
m_axis_video_tvalid O 1 Output Valid
m_axis_video_tready I 1 Output Ready
m_axis_video_tuser O 1 Output Video Start Of Frame
m_axis_video_tlast O 1 Output Video End Of Line
m_axi_video_tstrb O m_axis_video tdata/8 Output video data strobe indicates whether the content of the associated byte of TDATA is processed as a data byte or a position byte
m_axi_video_tkeep O m_axis_video tdata/8 Output video byte qualifier that indicates whether the content of the associated byte of TDATA is processed as part of the data stream
m_axi_video_tid O 1 Output video data stream identifier
m_axi_video_tdest O 1 Output video data routing information