- AXI4 Compliant
- Streaming Video Format support for: RGB, RGBA, YUV 4:4:4, YUVA 4:4:4, YUV 4:2:2, YUV 4:2:0
- Memory Video Format support for: RGBX8, BGRX8, YUVX8, YUYV8, UYVY8, RGBA8, BGRA8, YUVA8, RGBX10, YUVX10, Y_UV8, Y_UV8_420, RGB8, BGR8, YUV8, Y_UV10, Y_U_V8, Y_U_V10, Y_U_V8_420, Y_UV10_420, Y8, Y10
- Provides programmable memory video format
- Supports progressive and interlaced video
- Supports 8, 10, 12, and 16-bits per color component on stream interface and memory interface
- Supports spatial resolutions from 64 x 64 up to 15360 x 8640
- Supports 8K60 in all supported device familiesNote: Performance on low power devices can be lower.