Table: Logo Layer Registers provides a detailed description of all the registers that apply to the logo layer. Table 2-13: Logo Layer Registers Address (hex) BASEADDR+ Register Name Access Type Description 0x2000 Logo Start X R/W X position of the top left corner of the logo, relative to the output resolution 0x2008 Logo Start Y R/W Y position of the top left corner of the logo, relative to the output resolution 0x2010 Logo Width R/W Active width (in pixels) of the logo 0x2018 Logo Height R/W Active height (in lines) of the logo 0x2020 Logo Scale Factor R/W Scale factor for logo ranging from 0 = No scaling 1 = 2x scaling (horizontally and vertically) 2 = 4x scaling (horizontally and vertically) 0x2028 Logo Alpha R/W Alpha blending value for logo ranging from 0 = Fully transparent 255 = Fully opaque 0x2030 Logo Color Key Min R R/W Red minimum value of color key range 0x2038 Logo Color Key Min G R/W Green minimum value of color key range 0x2040 Logo Color Key Min B R/W Blue minimum value of color key range 0x2048 Logo Color Key Max R R/W Red maximum value of color key range 0x2050 Logo Color Key Max G R/W Green maximum value of color key range 0x2058 Logo Color Key Max B R/W Blue maximum value of color key range 0x1 0000 Logo Red Buffer R/W Start address of buffer for red logo pixels 0x2 0000 Logo Green Buffer R/W Start address of buffer for green logo pixels 0x3 0000 Logo Blue Buffer R/W Start address of buffer for blue logo pixels 0x4 0000 Logo Alpha Buffer R/W Start address of buffer for logo per pixel alpha