TX Core - 4.2 English

JESD204C LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG242)

Document ID
Release Date
4.2 English
Table 1. TX Core: System Signals
Port Name Interface I/O Description




I Core logic clock input.


Serial line rate / 66 (for 64B66B linecoding)

Serial line rate / 40 (for 8B10B linecoding)

tx_core_reset System I Core asynchronous logic reset active-High.
tx_aresetn s_axis_tx s_axis_tx_cmd O AXI4-Stream interface reset. Active-Low. Associated with both data and command interfaces.
s_axi_aclk s_axi I AXI4-Lite clock input.
s_axi_aresetn s_axi I AXI4-Lite reset input. Active-Low.
s_axi* s_axi I See Appendix A of the Vivado Design Suite: AXI Reference Guide (UG1037) for a description of AXI4 signals.
irq System O System interrupt output.
tx_sysref System I SYSREF input.

When Subclass 1 mode is selected, this signal is required and used by the core to set the phase of the local extended multi-block clock. This SYSREF signal must be generated synchronous to the core clock. This input should be driven from an external device generating SYSREF for both TX and RX on a link.

tx_sync System I Sync signal.

The sync signal is defined as an active-Low sync request signal by JESD204 so this signal is Low until comma alignment is completed and High to request ILA and normal data.

This signal is only available when the core is generated with 8B10B linecoding selected.

Versal Adaptive SoCs
gt_powergood 1 System I This active-High signal from Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver indicates when the GT clocking resources have completed power up.
gt_loopback[2:0] 1 System O This signal to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver controls the various loopback modes. This must be connected to the chN_loopback[2:0] port in the CHn_DEBUG interface of the GT Quad.
txusrclk 1 System I Versal Adaptive SoC GTM 66-bit clock used for 64b66b encoder gearbox (GTM only).
AMD UltraScale+™ /AMD UltraScale™ Devices
tx_reset_gt System O JESD204_PHY TX datapath reset. Core output to reset the transmit datapath in a connected JESD204_PHY. This must be connected to a JESD204_PHY.
tx_reset_done System I JESD204_PHY TX reset done input. Indicates the JESD204_PHY has completed the transmit reset process.
  1. For an example of how to connect this port to the Versal adaptive SoC GT Quad, generate the example design.
Table 2. TX Core: Versal Adaptive SoC GT TX Interface Ports
Signal Name Interface I/O Description
chN_txctrl0[15:0] GT_TX O TX Disparity control to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes -1

chN_txctrl1[15:0] GT_TX O TX Disparity polarity control to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes -1

chN_txctrl2[7:0] GT_TX O TX Char is K to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes -1

chN_txdata[127:0] 3 GT_TX O TX Data to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes - 1

chN_txdiffctrl[4:0] GT_TX O TX diffctrl to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes - 1

chN_txelecidle GT_TX O TX txelecidle to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes - 1

chN_txheader[5:0] GT_TX O TX Header to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes - 1

chN_txinhibit GT_TX O TX Inhibit to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes - 1

chN_txmaincursor[6:0] GT_TX O TX Main-cursor pre-emphasis control to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes - 1

chN_txmstdatapathreset GT_TX O TX Master Datapath only Reset sequence start to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes - 1

chN_txmstreset GT_TX O TX Master Reset sequence start to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes - 1

chN_txmstresetdone GT_TX I TX Master Reset sequence Done to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes - 1

chN_txpd[1:0] GT_TX O TX Power Down to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes - 1

chN_txpmaresetdone GT_TX I TX PMA Reset Done from the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes - 1

chN_txpolarity GT_TX O TX Polarity control to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes - 1

chN_txpostcursor[5:0] GT_TX O TX Post-cursor pre-emphasis control to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes - 1

chN_txprbssel[3:0] GT_TX O TX PRBS Select to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes - 1

chN_txprecursor[5:0] GT_TX O TX Pre-cursor pre-emphasis control to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes - 1

chN_txprecursor2[5:0] GT_TX O TX Pre-cursor pre-emphasis control to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes - 1

chN_txprecursor3[5:0] GT_TX O TX Pre-cursor pre-emphasis control to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes - 1

chN_txrate[7:0] GT_TX O TX Line Rate Control to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes - 1

chN_txsequence[6:0] GT_TX O TX Sequence Counter to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes - 1

chN_txuserrdy GT_TX O TX User clocks stable to the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver.

N = Lanes - 1

  1. JESD204C only uses the above subset of the available signals on the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver Tx_GT_IP_Interface. For further details, see Versal Adaptive SoC Transceivers Wizard LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG331).
  2. The signals in this table are connected between the JESD204C core and the Versal Adaptive SoC Transceiver using Block Automation, see Design Flow Steps for details.
  3. In Versal Adaptive SoC GTM designs this port is [255:0].
Table 3. TX Core: JESD204_PHY Interface Ports for UltraScale+/UltraScale Devices
Signal Name Interface I/O Description
gtN_txdata[63:0] PHY O TX data to JESD204 PHY.

N = Lanes - 1

gtN_txheader[1:0] PHY O TX header to JESD204 PHY.

N = Lanes - 1

gtN_txcharisk[3:0] PHY O TX Char is K to JESD204 PHY.

N = Lanes -1

Table 4. TX Core: Transmit Interface (64B66B Linecoding Only)
Signal Name Interface I/O Description
tx_tdata [(64*N)-1:0] s_axis_tx I Transmit data input.

N = Lanes

tx_tready s_axis_tx O AXI4-Stream tready
tx_soemb s_axis_tx O

Start of extended multi-block boundary indication. Set to 1 to indicate tx_tdata in the following clock cycle is the start of an extended multi-block.

tx_cmd_tdata[(32*N)-1:0] s_axis_tx_cmd I Transmit Cmd interface.

N = Lanes

For Meta mode = CRC, Cmd payload is bits [6:0] with bits [31:7] set to zero.

For Meta mode = CMD, Cmd payload is [18:0] with bits [31:19] set to zero

tx_cmd_tvalid s_axis_tx_cmd I AXI4-Stream tvalid.
tx_cmd_tready s_axis_tx_cmd O AXI4-Stream tready. tx_cmd_tready will be set for one cycle every multi-block to control the Cmd word flow.
Table 5. TX Core: Transmit Interface (8B10B Linecoding Only)
Signal Name Interface I/O Description
tx_tdata [(32*N)-1:0] s_axis_tx I Transmit data input.

N = Lanes

tx_tready s_axis_tx O AXI4-Stream tready
tx_sof [3:0] s_axis_tx O

Start of frame boundary indication. The signal is four bits to indicate the byte position of the first byte of a frame in tdata in the following clock cycle.

  • When tx_sof = 0001, the first byte of a frame is in bits [7:0] of the tdata word with the next three bytes in bits[31:8].
  • When tx_sof = 0010, the first byte is in bits [15:8] of the tdata word with the next two bytes in bits[31:16]; bits [7:0] contain the end of the previous frame.
  • When tx_sof = 0100, the first byte is in bits [23:16] of the tdata word with the next byte in bits[31:24]; bits [15:0] contain the end of the previous frame.
  • When tx_sof = 1000, tdata contains the last three bytes of the previous frame in bits [23:0] and the first byte of a new frame in bits [31:24].
Note: Multiple bits of tx_sof can be asserted in the same cycle, depending on the number of octets per frame.

For example, for a frame size of two octets and tx_sof = 0101, the first and third bytes (bits[7:0] and bits[23:16]) of the tdata word contain the first bytes of frames.

tx_somf [3:0] s_axis_tx O

Start of multiframe boundary indication. The position of the first byte of each multiframe is encoded in the same way as tx_sof.