Implementing More Than 4-Lane DSI-TX Design - 3.0 English - PG238

MIPI DSI Transmitter Subsystem LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG238)

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3.0 English

The existing MIPI DSI TX Subsystem allows a maximum of four lanes. Guidelines to achieve DSI designs with higher lane requirements (for example, an eight-lane design) are listed below:

  1. After the stream source, you need a splitter module that splits the incoming video stream into two streams; the left-half and the right-half image.
  2. Each splitter output then feeds to one DSI 4 lanes instance.
  3. The DSI 8-lane Receiver should follow the reverse to combine the images.
  4. You need to program each DSI-TX 4 lanes instance timing parameters based on half image rather than full image timing parameters.
  5. In DSI-RX, one DSI instance reconstructs the left half of the image and the other DSI instance reconstructs the right half of the image.

The 8-lane implementation using two 4-lane MIPI DSI TX instances is shown in the following figure.

Figure 1. Eight-Lane DSI Implementation